ne good ps2 games recommendations plz?


Well-known member
King Kong! Singstar, Buzz...
I also like The Movies (PC, coming on PS2 soon though I think) :lol:


Well-known member
LA-girl said:
Singstar is horrible for someone with the twin curse of SA and a poor singing voice! They played this at a party I was at recently and I just couldn't do it. 8O So self-conscious... :oops:


Well-known member
As for Singstar: I've just tried it at home with close friends. I try not to take it so seriosly, it's much more fun the worse you sing!! :lol: I've had quite a few laughs from this one!!!

King Kong: I liked this game! Hunting the big dinosaurs, not to mention to be able to play both as man and King Kong himself :lol:
After a thoroghly evaluation I'd give it 8,78/10 :wink: