Name A Few Movies That Fill You With Positivity


Well-known member
freddy got fingered, the nutty professor, dumb and dumber, maxine's christmas carol(that might be hard to's a 30 minute cartoon made by hallmark...but it's funny and always made me laugh. maxine is anti-social).

becker is a good tv show to watch to make you feel better, too(or at least to me)...he hates people...and he will make you laugh.


Active member
I know what fills me with positivity.
It's Apollo 13 (well, I'm a space buff).I have seen it five times and it always lift my spirits. It shows that people can be intelligent and acomplish great things when they put their effort in to it. (and stop using it for bad things).

And it has Tom Hanks too!


Well-known member
I really love the movie "The Shawshank Redemption" and also "The Green Mile" because those movies managed to lift my spirit for some reason at two times in my life when I was really really really really (ok enough!) down! :D :D



Well-known member
Harold and Maude & Shawshank are great suggestions.. I liked Amelie, too. I agree with Spurs, I also like the dramas. I like watching others be miserble when I am miserble, LOL.

-The Good Girl with Jennifer Aniston and Jake Gyllenhaal.. I guess maybe I have a crush on Holden in the movie.

-Ghost World with Thora Birch. Just because I can totally relate to Enid! And I love the ending...always was a fantasy of mine (though there are various interpretations of the ending)

-Requiem for a Dream. Nice, good depressing one!

-Forrest Gump.. Just had to add.. probably everyone has seen.. but great music, great nostaglic feeling.


Active member
Scent of a women
This boys life
Far and away
interview with a vampire
Indiana jones
ShawShank redemption
Taxi Driver
Reservoir Dogs
Angelas ashes
Brave heart
Sling Blade
walk the line
Lorenzos oil
Apt pupil
The machinist
Mad max
As good as it gets,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I have way more but that is all ill


Well-known member
Its already been mentioned, but I have to say it again: Dead poets society. Its an amazing movie by itself, but I think all of use can literally relate in some way to main character cause of the social fear and anxiety. No other movie can motivate and lift me up like Dead poets society. The movie is pure genius.


I am a bit embarrassed to admit, but I do like romantic comedies. They kinda make me feel good and I think it's a bit of wishful thinking and a bit of hope that makes me believe that one day it could happen to me!!!! :D
I also like a good thriller or action movie too. I also like movies where the main character has a shit life and then triumphs in the end.
So my faves are:

Love Actually
While you were sleeping
Never Been Kissed
The Wedding Singer
The Diehard movies
Sliding Doors
About a Boy
How to lose a guy in 10 days
The Bourne Idenitity/Supremacy
there is sooooo many more but can't think of them right now. :)


New member
I'm not sure whether it counts as uplifting, but theres a quote from the movie Silent Hill (i am ahardcore fan of the games too :)) that i can really identify with as its the way that i sometimes feel when i think about how foul some people and situations can be, it goes:

"When you're so hurt and scared for so long, the fear and pain turn to hate and the hate starts to change the world."

If we are talking uplifting, then i can quote a line that is actually quoted in Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind (I love Jon Brion's score for that movie, its incredibly moving) its from a peom by Alexander Pope, it goes:

"How happy is the blameless Vestal's lot / The world forgetting, by the world forgot / Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind / Each pray'r accepted, each wish resign'd."

That quote makes me cry every time i hear it.


New member
I LOVE movies and there are too many to mention. Anything that makes me laugh is good. I'm glad to see drop dead fred got a mention. its a funny movie and the first movie i've seen that can explain emotional abuse of children to someone that hasn't experienced it. Amelie, Donny Darko, and spirited away are up there in my favourite movies of all time. To the guy who wrote about crash I liked the movie but it seemed a little defeatest to me. Its message seemed to be "we are all racist and there is nothing we can do about it" Neither conclusion i agree with. As a non-american i would be interested to know whether americans think it is an accurate picture of racism in america.


Well-known member
Oh, so this topic is brought back to life, cool im glad cos i got things to say.

I watched Groundhog Day, due to the recommendations, it was cool, its a feel good movie, which i love, so thanks for that.

Same with Fellis Buellers Day Off, i loved the character, he makes everything possible for him, id loved to be like that.

Then i watched Dead Poets Society, and i LOVED it, what Robin Williams' character said throughout the movie is very inspiring, and gave me hope, so go watch it, and CARPE DIEM :p:p:p

So thanks for the advices.


Well-known member
Edith said:
Oh man, I just saw Little Miss Sunshine and it was so good!

It was funny, and just really good - surprisingly good (It's refreshing to see a good movie after watching so much crap :x )

Seriously it's a winner. I highly recommend it. 8)

And i watched the trailer for Little Miss Sunshine, and i was like "Get me that movie, i gotta watch that now!!!!!!!!!". Its looks like my kind of movie, plus its got many awards, and probably an Oscar winner too. Ill watch it when i can find, or ill have to pirate download it 8O


Well-known member
Amelie is probably my most favourite one. I also loved:

Forrest Gump
Cider House Rules
Simon Birch
Hotel New Hampshire
The World According To Garp
Pretty Woman :)
Dirty Dancing
Breakfast At Tiffanis

and japan horror movies :lol: