watch CASTAWAY (tom hanks)
...hmmm....I like movies with humor and a positive message combined. There is: La vita bella, Big Fish, Good Will Hunting, Motorcycle diaries, The SEA Inside,...i really liked CASTAWAY (tom hanks). ACTUALLY, do yourselves a favor and watch this movie. It stars tom hanks and its about a man who works his heart out for U.P.S., and his U.P.S. cargo plane sinks in the ocean. He survives and washes up on the shore of a deserted island, alone and with nothing but whatever u.p.s. crap parcels wash up on shore too. I saw this movie in the theater and rented the movie another 2 times, plus saw it on tv twice. Watch this movie and you will understand why i like it so much. You will see a man living life to his best, and then suddenly he becomes stranded on an island..all alone. He has to relearn to survive by catching fish, eating coconuts, creating fire for warmth and to cook. Eventually he resides in the fact that nobody is coming to save him, and he stares up at the stars at night, alone in silence..thinking of his love back home, the good meals, friendships...all the things he misses so much and cant get back to because he is all alone on an island...away from all human contact. Towards the end, he realizes he must save himself because nobody is coming to rescue him, and he knows what he must do for his salvation. He greatly reminds me of someone i know very well, ME!. I was on ''my own island'', for way too long...and nobody came to rescue me..there were many passing ships, but nobody saw or heard me. It was then i got tired of waiting, and i helped this will relate and understand what you need to do to overcome your mental illness. [/b]