My voice gets high


Hi everyone, I just came back from my college table tennis class. Everything was going great until I started losing against some guys. This causes my voice to get high.

I was also fine before when there was only 3 or 4 people in the gym but as it got packed with about 80 or more people, I got realllll nervous and I began to severely shudder and the pitch of my voice got really high (by the way im a guy). Anyway is there any way to overcome this embarrassing problem. :oops:

Thank You in advance for the replies
The reason your voice is getting high is because when you're a little bit nervous you tend to speak from your throat, making your voice higher and quieter. When you're confident you speak from your diaphragm making your voice deeper and louder. So just remember speak from your chest not your neck and you should be fine.
As for the studdering if you project a loud, clear voice the studderng should just go away



That does make alot of sense. When My voice hets all high picth and such, my througt starts to hurt. When I talk to someone like this, they always ask me "what" cause im talking so softly. Thanks for your help :)