my victory day


the only reason i am here today is that it is my birthday and this place sends you a happy birthday message. i had forgotten i had signed up here. i appreciate the message because like some of you, i do nothing to cultivate potential friendships. so, no one sends me a card. no one calls. usually on my birthday, this is my focus. im alone (for the most part) and only my husband cares about me. i was an unwanted child, blah blah....i could go on and on, but you know the drill.
well today is my birthday and im 48 years old. nothing to sing in the streets. but today was unusual in that i had a good day, and a sort of victory today. AND i haven't cried at all yet. maybe i won't! :)
last week i was out sick on friday and a coworker used the opportunity to snatch one of my clients up and then badmouth how i had been handling the case. when i returned on monday i saw the chain of emails that found their way to me and i was livid. you know how things like this set off an endless feeling of crappiness? well, i waited all day before i answered. i wanted to make sure there wasn't an ounce of spite in it. at the end of yesterday, i answered to all involved, and a few more, that my coworker was misinformed and i outlined all the reasons why. then i asked what was the big crisis that could not have waited until i returned on monday. then i braced myself. i actually wondered if she might slap me or something. she simply answered that she went with what she had. (it was all dramatics) someone higher on the totem pole, whose opinion matters to me saw me this morning and said "you go, kittypants!" and "I appreciated your email cutting through the crap." so, i feel like i won. and no more crappy feelings. AND i dont think my coworker will try that with me again.
so then, my husband, who does not believe in gifts, made me supper and got me a cake. that was nice. i bought myself 2 skirts on the net against his wishes - but i have the money and dont care because it is my birthday. :)
so thats it, and i dont think i will be crying today. (may be the 2nd or 3rd day i can ever remember!):rolleyes: