my story

I placed this in off topic because I feel this is the best possible place for this

Some of you might remember me as Jesus Christs child....I am now farther in my walk Jesus Christ

And I know certain people will hear the word of God and be convicted by God so I want to once again share my story..

I have posted it here

It is a long one but its the story of how I found God and how I overcome my fears and phobias, I admitt its a constant fight for me to fight shyness, but if I have Jesus Christ as my only desire, my desire to impress is gone and it is replaced by the peace of Christ....I do speak of spiritual prosperity but I do not speak you will become rich or this and that because God has individual plans for everyone, and I don't want you to be decieved to believe a lie regaurding Christ....I used to be atheist but now I know without a doubt God exists and Christ is his son....I tell you this in love for you and love and honour for God

What is the gospel,
The bible is the full word of God, and he used men by putting his spirit inside them to speak through them, this is more vital than you even know.....when God first created man he placed laws between him and man, and God is a just judge so every law that is broken will come into judgment and we will be eternally condemned in a place of Gods wrath according to our transgressions of his laws....but God made a way through his son Jesus Christ.....Jesus Christ is the person of God come down to earth to die in our place, and he rose from the dead, and lives in heaven today.....and he preached that whoever believes in him would live forever in Gods kingdom, and his sins would be justified in Gods court of will also be reconciled with God and have your own relationship with him through Jesus Christ, which was impossible before because of our sin mixed with Gods perfect Holiness......Jesus is not a way to overcome social phobia though it may be the means which you overcome have to give him your life and he knows you cantt be perfect right away, I struggled with alchohol and other things until I got saved and I'm still fighting sin to this day, and will the rest of my life but my goal is to become like Jesus Christ in actions and words, not in personality, but God designed my personality the way it should be

You say "well why is sin so fun then?"
Because when a curse fell on the earth at the first sin of mankind, every man after that was born in sin and God hating

You say "well I can't be fulfilled without sin in my life"

I've found Jesus fills all my sinful desires....the fact is our desires to sin are legit desires that our sinful flesh and the devil manipulates and perverts....Jesus Christ fills our sinful desires...for instance, sex is a desire for intimacy, and this is in Christ....I used to despise Christians and believe they were deecieved, but I found out my social phobia was caused by a demon living in me, or demons....not by word of mouth but experience

You say "what is worshipping God" well Jesus says in the scriptures that true worshippers will worship in spirit and truth, and worshipping God in spirit and in truth, is just knowing his soul and surrendering yourself in love to it, giving your entire self to him.....and when you know him, you can't help but love him

Without Christ we will stand before the almighty judge of everything guilty and no matter how much you beg for mercy it will not be heard because a just judge cannot set the guilty free, and no matter what sin you have done, no matter how vile it is to society, even your own family may not forgive you for it, God will definately forgive you for it....the fact you would even go to God shows that he is limiting the power of the devil in hope that you might be saved

Email me at [email protected] if you have any questions....ect I pray deeply that God would forgive my imperfect carnality and convict some of his predestined children, in Jesus Christs name I pray