my revelation..

Sunday 27.6.2010

Okay so this goes for saers and perfectionists, anyone who obsesses with anything..

We all obsess on how we're gonna look in society, and we all want to be original, right?

well we have three options there...

one option: we can not be as good as we want to be, but settle with it, and enjoy life( you will see why this one is even acceptable)
second: we can stop obsessing, then in time all we want will come
third: we can keep on obsessing, and spend our lives like that, obsessed (option one doesn't sound so bad, does it?)

this inst any big revelation, and i cant rly put it into words, but I hope it helps some of u guys..

Why do we obsess?
for me it is because i believe if i don't that everything will go wrong, i wont be the perfect person, i have to obsess, cuz if i stop obsessing, ill accept being a mediocre.. FACE THE FEAR.. the obsession makes u think it is so important, life threatening that u have to listen to it and enduldge it, but it isn't.

We think that these obsessions are so important, and that we have to solve them,. but we don't see that the OBSESSIONS ARE THE ONES MAKING US SICK..

hope some of this made some sense :)


Well-known member
Yeah I guess I can relate to what you're saying. I'm not really sure why I obsess. For me anyway I think it's a nervous reaction to stress. Stress which comes from being around people. So I obsess about myself, when I'm around them. being around people just brings out my nervous and neurotic side. I can't really explain why. Then my obsessions take over because I feel as if I need to control things in order to feel more secure around people. But you're right obsessing is the problem.