My problem with asking for help


Well-known member
My mom is telling me to do my homework. I do it and get stuck on some questions. They are problems that I have been dealing with my entire life : work problems and those solution problems. My mom suggest that I ask a friend how to do it. But the fact is, I don't want to. I'm afraid others are going to think badly of me. Then again, I've been told from you guys to not care what other people think. I don't know why, but my mind is telling me "no". It's not worth the humiliation. My ego is too big, I think of myself too highly and things are too comfortable for me to take a risk. This is a member of the generation Y speaking here. So guys, I need some solutions. Thanks.


Well-known member
I've noticed most people won't think badly of you for asking, won't think you're stupid. Most people realize we all need help, we all have things we understand and don't understand and are more than willing to help you understand something they understand.

But you always get those few who are mean and laugh at you for not getting something...just avoid those people. :)