My Manager always says this


Well-known member
everytime i walk in in the mornings he talks about the weather, and normally i'm nice, but i'd rather just say hello and talk about other things then the freaking weather ..and is it him being nice?? whatever ..its just becoming too predictable and so i just respond with short bursts like "you cant control the weather, but yeh it was cold" he goes on and on saying stuff like "its so cold, so chilly".."shivers" ...and i have to cringe turn around and roll my eyes thinking "here we go again" and then i try and change the subject ..

i dont know... i'm beginning to think these people that seem chatty and outgoing all the time have the same anxieties going on as shy people ..

that really grates on my nerves

advice to anyone reading is try and avoid weather banter at all costs ..its just far too predictable and lame ..

i'd much rather utter silence to weather talk ..

this may seem harsh but its one thing ive noticed is that ceriian outgoing people talk alot but not alot of interesting words are coming out ..

i seem to be surrounded by people who are the "nervous" outgoing types, literally panicky and cant control what is coming out but they have to be seen saying something or their reputation will go by the wayside ..

its just starting to bug me this week ..

where as i am the calm quiet type that will try and make these situations more comfortable and easier by being silly or sarcastic ..but usually not a big or contant talker, i have to really think about the words first


Well-known member
I think alot people talk about the weather because they can't think of anything else to say. Or they feel they have nothing in common with you.It happens to me often. I don't mind because I was always interested in the weather. Especially Thunderstorms.


Active member
ive realized that too,i think everyone has sa problems its just we handle it differntly.when im not feelin my sa im outgoing,crazy,funny,but when i am im nervous,feel parlyzed,etc.but when im my crazy self i put myself out there and hope to god ill get a response.when im feelin my sa,im the one who sits and hopes i wont get a response,it brings me a lil comfort