My long as hell story, perhaps graphic?


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These are excerpts from my "bio".

I was beat up on a daily basis by one boy one year and his best friend the next year. I don't remember their names or their faces. All I know is they are white. My mind thought it was better for me to block out their identities, which helped me but also screwed me. Every time I'm out in public, I secretly and obsessively wonder: Is that the guy? Did he beat me? Was it him? Maybe they had brown hair like that guy. That guy's voice sounds so familiar. I want to ask him to call me a "disgusting bitch" and all those other insults so I can do some voice recognition! I want to ask him to pull down his pants and expose himself to me so I can perhaps recognize their penis as the one that was shoved in my face while I laid on the bathroom floor of the boy's bathroom where no one cared to find me or hear the punches and kicks that occurred every day. I want to see if seeing their penis will make me remember what happened, if I was forced to perform oral sex or if they sexually assaulted me in addition to the beatings and verbal abuse. Am I a freak for this?

I wanted a boyfriend much like every girl my age at the time. So when this boy asked me if I would be his girlfriend outta nowhere, I jumped at the chance. I didn't give it a second thought. DUMBASS! Every day, he would find the time to bring me to that bathroom that was far away from the crowded hallways and common areas, where no one would really hear anything. The first time, I thought it was so we could have privacy and talk. Yup, dumbass. He locked the door after we walked in. Next thing I know, I'm getting punched, slapped, pushed into the walls, kicked while I'm curled into a ball on the floor. The whole time he was spewing his hate at me. Bitch! Stupid! Cunt! Whore! Moron! And more that I don't care to remember. Yeah, he had some issues too. He always hit me where no one would see because I always wore pants and t-shirts (even in the hot-as-all-hell summer). I might as well have been a boy. You would never catch me in a skirt or dress (or shorts for that matter!), or any low-cut shirt to show off my boobs. And he counted on that. That gave him more places to target, to hurt me. He was one cruel bastard, much like his buddy.

Unfortunately, the cycle of beatings didn't end with this one boy. Like I mentioned before, he had a buddy. That's the only other thing I remember about these guys. They were white, somewhat popular, and they were friends (probably best friends). So when the first boy ended up moving away apparently during the summer, I thought I was saved and spared any more pain and suffering. HA. I think it was still the first week of school when I was once again approached by the second boy. He didn't even say anything to me. He just grabbed my wrist and led me back to that hell hole. He repeated the same shit to me his friend did, minus the penis exposure I think. And why? Out of loyalty to his friend. I was beaten daily because of his need to be loyal to his fucking friend!

My whole body was sore but I couldn't bring myself to cry or yell for help (not that I ever did anyway). I felt so sore, but the kind where you do a horrible workout after not going to the gym for months. It wasn't the kind of sore that would be noticed by anyone, but no one cared either so I figured this would be another school year where I would be in hell, hoping and praying for the absent days that didn't occur often enough.

This all went on for awhile too. I was right that this boy was different from the first. The first boy exposed himself to me every time I think, the second boy did it rarely if ever. Or maybe that's my messed up memory working it's mojo on me making me not remember. When the 5 months mark hit, he must have moved away too because I never saw him again. I was relieved in a way. At the same time though, ironically, I felt more empty than I did when it was all happening. It had a weird predictablity that I didn't have anywhere else. I knew that when I'd see him walking towards me that we would be going to that bathroom. I knew that the second he locked the door that I'd be trapped or die trying to escape. I knew that no one would come to help me.


Well-known member
I don't know how to respond. Me, being a white male, makes me feel bad for you. I know your looking for answers as to why they did this to you, I don't have them. I just feel very very bad for you. Thats all I can do. If I could apologize to you and make everything ok I would, but I can't because I'm not one of those guys. I respect women, and would never force them to do anything they don't want to. I'm sure there are many others on this cite who know how you feel but are afraid to post their replies.


Well-known member
thanks tab... and yeah, one of the most frustrating parts of it all is WHY did they do that to me. every person i've told this to can't even figure out an answer. ill probably never get an answer or any closure for that matter. and having to be paranoid every time i see and am around a white guy doesnt help either. but i appreciate your response, it meant a lot to me. i don't really expect a lot of responses or anything, so no worries. i just wanted to share my story and had finally gotten the courage to...
People usually do that sort of thing because they were raised in violence (abuse by their parents teaches them that it's normal to abuse people, and they get some sort of release by making others suffer like they have). Don't imagine it had nothing to do with you. Obviously nobody deserves to be beaten. You were just an easy target who they figured wouldn't go to the police, I'd suppose.

Hopefully one of their later victims did turn them in, and they're locked away where you'll never see them.


Well-known member
yeah that's what i'm guessing too. part of me thinks they did it just for the hell of it though. there's some real sick fucks out there, and those 2 did qualify. i just wish *anyone* cared enough to notice, walk by, try to use the bathroom, something! but no one did. and now it's too late. i'll never get true closure and i'll always be left in paranoia.


Well-known member
hey i dont think that makes you a freak at all.

do you see anyone that you can talk to about it.. and work through it.

it sounds like you have made it apart of who you are? maybe when you begin to let go of it as apart of who you are then maybe you might start to feel free from the trauma?

there is hope, always..


Well-known member
i see my therapist... i'm part of the problem with it though cuz it really is hard for me to talk about it "serious" stuff in my sessions. i'll ramble to death about dumb crap for half of the session and somehow get to the serious stuff in the last half when there's not enough time to really get into it. i guess it's a way of protecting myself or a defense mechanism i always do.

my therapist has mentioned hypnosis as a possibility but i can't stay calm enough to do it lol. hell, i can't even close my eyes around other people (not even my bf!) so that's out of the question. most of all, i'm too scared of finding out the truth. there's a reason i blocked shit out, ya know? it might be better for my sanity to keep it that way.

i don't know how to let go of it really. having my bf does help in a way. it reminds me that not all guys are complete assholes that will beat me for no reason (before i met my bf i really did think this!). people have suggested forgiving them. and i say FUCK THAT! how do you forgive something like that? if anyone's been through something like this and found a way to forgive, please do tell!


Well-known member
maybe its hard to forgive.. forgiving is such a Christian solution. Maybe your not christian.. For me I like to Accept.. Accept that it has happened.

Ive been through some things that were abusive.. probably not so violent like what happened with you.


Well-known member

abuse is abuse... it doesn't matter how severe or violent or whatever, so don't worry about that :)....

and it is hard to forgive, especially something like that. i don't think i'll ever be able to, no matter how at-peace i am about it one day. and i agree, forgiving is very much a christian way of doing things lol, and no i'm not religious although i grew up catholic-christian.

do you have any advice on how to accept? how much have you accepted what happened to you? if you don't mind me asking...


Well-known member
i have accepted the experience. Which isnt to say im not still taunted by memories. Although they have less power because I have learnt that the experience is not about me anymore. it dosent say anything about me it says something about the abuser. Anyway the road to recovery is a long one.. and i will always have those memories along with all the other memories that i hold... luckily the majority of my memories are really wonderful..

In some ways i forgive. we are all born babies, pretty much an empty slate. But the world has somehow influenced these people to act the way that they have. They have dealt with their suffering by continuing the cycle of abuse. the world hold allot of pain.


Well-known member
i'm glad for you that you have been able to get to that point. i do hope that i'll be at that point one day myself. i never really told anyone what happened til recently, say, the last 4ish years. so i'm sure it will take me awhile to even begin to accept it. holding it in as a secret for all those years really built up my anger inside of me so i think once i can get past the anger, i can feel a bit of peace. whether that "peace" will be forgiveness or acceptance is up in the air. but thank you for your help :)


Well-known member
Marcia, I haven't been on this site in an age but I was feeling a bit down. I cried when I read what happened to you. What sick f*****g cowardly b**t*rds! I'm white (female) and right now I'm totally ashamed of being white.

I'm just so, so sorry no one was ever around to help you. Please don't believe all white people are like these two animals. Two of my relatives are married to black guys and have mixed race children. See, normal people don't have a problem with skin colour. Psychos like those two perverts do. Don't even both trying to figure them out, they're not fit to belong to the human race. Hopefully they're both locked up somewhere by now or better still dead.

Take care. You're a billion times more important than those sadists will ever be.


Well-known member

after i met my boyfriend (white), i started to realize that not all white people are evil. it took awhile that's for sure, but i've gotten to the point where i'm just incredibly suspicious and paranoid, i'm not scared for my life now (unless i'm out by myself and then i'm scared as all shit).

although i admit, i've known my friend's boyfriend (white) and been around him for yrs, but i still can't be alone with him. rationally i know that he would never do anything to me, but simply b/c he's white and a guy and around my age, he's someone that happens to fit the profile and will be forever branded by me as such. i never thought i'd do racial profiling but recently i realized that i do it everyday. it's a real shame that i have to defend and protect myself like this cuz my boyfriend fits the profile too and if i had let that get to me, i wouldn't be w/ him... such irony.

and i'm sorry i upset you with my story. but thank you for your words.


Well-known member
That's gotta be one of the most cruel things a person could do to another. I'm not sure if you already explained this but how come you didnt tell anyone? Family? Teachers? Police?


Well-known member
weak said:
That's gotta be one of the most cruel things a person could do to another. I'm not sure if you already explained this but how come you didnt tell anyone? Family? Teachers? Police?

cuz i'm an idiot i guess. i was 12ish at the time and i knew that if i did, they'd wanna see my body (bruises, etc) and i was so ridiculously ashamed of myself. that, or they wouldn't believe it cuz most of the time i didn't have any marks on me to "prove" it happened. and there's nothing worse than that. and there was a part of me that thought i deserved it at the time.


Well-known member
Is there anyway you could remember who they were? Maybe with the help of a yearbook? Was it a big school?


Well-known member
i know it sounds ridiculous and even almost impossible, but even looking at the yearbook didn't do anything for me. i tried before a few times.

i'm kind of stuck between wanting to know and being scared to death of knowing. i'm having a hard enuf time with just knowing it was 2 white boys... i can't tell you how paranoid i always am when i'm out in public and there's all these white guys walking around, any of them could've been my bullies... at the same time, to know who they were might send me into some serious breakdown. it's like my therapist says to me sometimes "obviously you blocked it out for a reason. when your mind is able and ready to remember it again you will." all i can say is, i'm scared of the day that i remember.

i dunno, it was a regular school i guess lol. it was a kindergarten-8th grade school. this crap happened in 7th-8th grade.