My Family are my only real aquintances


Well-known member
since i am only really close to my brother and have no friends outside of the house,i am scared to move out because i am afraid of losing that connection with him as we both live with our parents and i dont get along with them.if i move away i am afraid that i wont develop any friendships outside of my family while at the same time losing my only real connection, my cousins all think im weird and uncles and aunts so even on holidays where all family gets together i dont go cause of the anxiety that will build up. i really want to explore the world but afraid that ill come back disapointed and more socially anxious while my relationship with my brother has deteriorated


Well-known member
Ohh, you have us here now, don't you? ;)

Can you move to a dorm or a flat where you'd have roommates or flatmates?
Or try going for a vacation to a youth hostel or YMCA or something? You can meet many people there, and with some you might click.. (A friend met her now-husband in a hostel!!)
You could try just a mini-vacation in a hostel in your city or in another city first?

Not sure why moving out would mean losing connection to your brother? You could still meet up for tea or lunch or for a walk or such?

If you have a weird family, you can meet much lovelier people elsewhere...

On the other hand, it may be helpful to know some other people first, and then move.. Like if you do the tourism/travel thing, there are guided tours of museums and art galleries, and you can meet some cool people there (if you are into that).