My Experience with Social Anxiety


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In 1988, at the age of 22, I had no social life. I had no friends. I had trouble making friends. I had never gone out on a date. I was suffering from social anxiety.

In June 1988, my parents and I became members of the Sid Jacobson Jewish Community Center, located in East Hills, New York. We asked about social groups at the JCC that I could go to. We were told to make an appointment with Jonathan Berent.

In September 1988, I enrolled in the Wednesday Night Adult Social Group at the JCC. I also began individual and group therapy with Jonathan Berent at his Great Neck office.

I was in the Wednesday Night Group from 1988 to 1995. I dropped out of the group in 1995. I came back to the group in March 2005. In 1989, Jonathan Berent left the JCC and formed another social group, the Friendship Connection. I went to the Friendship Connection from 1989 to 1995. I went to group therapy from 1988 to 1993. In 1994, I stopped going to individual therapy.

In my early years at the Wednesday Night Group, 1988-1992, I was friends with this guy Ralph from the group. I was also friends with Michael, whom I met at group therapy. He was a student at C.W. Post at the time. So was I. I was also friends with Tom from the Wednesday Night Group/Friendship Connection.

In December 1991, at the age of 26, I started dating my first girlfriend, Lisa. We broke up in May 1992. In July 1992, I became friends with Michele, whom I knew from childhood. In September 1992, Michele joined the Wednesday Night Group and Friendship Connection.

I was friends with another girl named Michelle, from 1993 to 1995. She went to the Friendship Connection. My next girlfriend was Melissa, who went to the Friendship Connection. We dated from June 1994 to March 1995. In March and April 1995, I went out with two women I met on the Internet.

In September 1995, I became friends with Rhonda, whom I met at ACLD, another social group. Also in September 1995, I started dating my next girlfriend, Allie, from the Friendship Connection. She lives in Port Washington. I live in Port Washington, too. So does Michele. I had my last date with Allie in June 1996.

After recovering from a broken leg in 1996, I was introduced to my next girlfriend, another girl named Lisa. My mother's friend was friends with Lisa's aunt. That's how I met Lisa. We went out from June 1996 to February 1997. We went out again a couple of times again, in March and April 2005.

My next girlfriend was Shery. The first time I spoke to her was actually July 3, 1994. She was responding to my profile at a dating service at the Plainview JCC. I was dating Melissa at the time, so I didn't meet Shery yet.

In 1997, I found out that my friend Tom was friends with Shery. I started dating Shery 3 years later. My first date with Shery was February 27, 2000. My last date with her was July 3, 2003.

On March 2, 2005, Michele and I went back to the Wednesday Night Group. I met my new girlfriend there. Her name is Asha. She lives close to me, in Port Washington. Asha is half Jewish and half Indian. Her mother is Jewish and her father is Indian. We started dating in June 2005. She is the best. I am really happy to be dating Asha. We have been dating for two years now.

In September 2006, I went back to the Friendship Connection. Asha joined the group too. In November, Michele came back to the group.