My Doctor today prescribed me Paxil....I am nervous!


Hello, today I went saw my doctor about this skin rash. It turns out I have a condition called lichen simplex. It is where, b/c of my anxiety I keep scratching my skin and as a result, my skin become thick and even more itchy. I had no idea anxiety could cause this. He told me Paxil was helpful and prescribed the generic version at 20mg. I am to take 1/2 a tablet for 7 days then switch over to one full pill. But I am nervous. I have never taken any anti-depressant b4. I hear Paxil has lots of side effects and the withdraw is a pain in the ass.

On top of that, even though I am 25 years old, my parents are dead set against these sort of pills. But I am so sick and tired of being afraid to talk to people, to find a job, to move out, to just feel normal that I should take the pills and bite the bullet.

I got the pills and are currently hiding them from my parents. To add even more pressure, my family and I will be out of the country for 6 weeks starting mid-May. So, i have to wait till I get back to the USA to actually start using the pills. I would take them along the trip but I am afaird during baggage check, where they rummage thru your carry ons they will find the pills...I am sorry for me writing so much, I jsut have to vent.

Oh, and my anxiety is causing me to frequently urinate. This has been going on for years. Every 30 minutes to and hour I have to urinate b/c
my anxiety causes my sphicter muscle to prematurely tighten b4 my bladder can get empty! Isn't that nuts?!, I thought it was my prostate.

I just needed to vent, tell my your experiences with frequent urination, paxil, or what ever.


Well-known member
Hello peggypwrl,

I dont know much about paxil . No drugs helped me with anxiety , only makes me feel worse and more insecure (what is the point putting one who is already insecure in the dependance of drugs. If i want it i could become a drug addict when i was twelve..)I can relate with skin problems in a head area- extreme peeling , enormous dandruff. To avoid scratching , i wear a wester, when i m in the house. Silly, isnt it...But it helps a little bit.

I m having frequent urinating problem. And a shybladder , too.
I dont know what it coz of this-. One of the side effects of shit i m on is that it is diauretic and it can cause diabetes. Although this shit is bringing me ST , i couldnt get off of it.

Maybe something would change in this 6 weeks......

I wish you all the well !