my anxiety


Active member
Where to begin....Ive been shy my whole life.My whole life I accomplished alot less than I had potential for in every aspect of my life;friends,activities,school,girls because of my shyness.When I get around people my positive thoughts go away and my minds filled with anxiety,fear of embarassment,depression,selfpity,and above all helplessness.I turned to drugs and a negative lifestyle thinking that it will even out my negative feelings.Now at 19,and Ive been this way for about 4 years,it has turned into SA.At first I could deal with it,although very painful,but for the past year or so,Ive stayed at home and dwelled in it just making it so bad,I feel like I cant work,cant hang out with friends,and cant even be comfortable around my family.Ive been to therapy,talked to family and friends about it,and meditated on it,but when as soon as Im in my feared situations it all goes away.I,like many if not all other SA people,am very intelligent and my true personality is completely opposite of what I am around people.What Im saying is I know how to overcome my anxiety and I know how to be around people,when im alone or comfortable.Ive been dealing with this for so long,its gonna take alot of work to overcome it.Its a very sad thing when a person has SA,but it doesnt make you a sad person.Only you decide if your a sad person.I hope this has helped anyone out in any way.