MSN syntax, the new generation (typing)


Well-known member
maybe its just me being picky but i really cant stand the way alot of people type, and its nothing personal because i know their heart is in the right place ...but im perplexed when people, mostly this generations young people type.... lik dis .....viddy well, i had a gr8 day 2day wot bout u? 8O

its killing the english language as we know it, and slicing it up into segments of incoherent babble :lol:

or am i just being no fun?! :(


Well-known member
I think it happens in most languages (Norwegian too!), and I am not very fond of it myself. I actually think it can do more damage than people are willing to admit. Maybe it save you some time when typing, but the spared time is many times lost as it definately requires a lot more concentration and added seconds for the reader. Not to mention the concern about slowly destroying the basic original language.

Or maybe I'm just simply out of date...? :wink:


Well-known member
It definitely takes more effort than if it's typed correctly and that's why I don't do it a lot of the times unless it's the obvious ones but it doesn't annoy me much. There was a girl who used to type 'y' other than 'Why'. Or I'd like if they said 'How are you' instead of 'how r u' as then it looks like they're not serious although even I could type short forms, not the ones I've mentioned though it's only if I'm having fun, not if it's important though.

I also don't do it much as I don't want to forget the proper way, or if others don't understand it either so it's better not to.


Well-known member
i dont particluarly like it myself, although sometimes i do say "wot" "yah" etc etc.. but there isnt really a big deal to make out of it, if its on msn, its just like texting really, people only mainly type like that to save time from typing extra longer, so its quite silly really when people say "oh use a dictionary will you" or "go get an education" well, it isnt an english class.. so people can type how they like really. it isnt really a big deal.


totaly agree with the last post.People who rip into others about there spelling are out of order.. in my opinion.First of all its just shortening things.. i do it to a certain degree when im talking on msn becaus sometimes the conversatin flows so fast so it makes life easier.I dont do it on the forums normaly but people who do dont really bother me.. unless it gets to the point where there speaking in daft slang talking like wanna be gangsters :roll: .Kinda going off here... but i think its awfull when i see people snipe at others over there spelling or puncuation.. ya no one is the same we havnt all had a good education.. some people may be dislexic. (spelling?) :?


Well-known member
Richey said:
maybe its just me being picky but i really cant stand the way alot of people type, and its nothing personal because i know their heart is in the right place ...but im perplexed when people, mostly this generations young people type.... lik dis .....viddy well, i had a gr8 day 2day wot bout u? 8O

its killing the english language as we know it, and slicing it up into segments of incoherent babble :lol:

or am i just being no fun?! :(
i agree richey..i find it hard to get through a post that has a lot of that kind of typing..and we're not talking about bad grammar or's the putting numbers instead of letters, that kind of thing. Perhaps cause i'm a little older, it's harder for me to decipher? i don't know :roll: but it does annoy me and i seldom read through a post that has much of that.


Well-known member
And just imagine how it feels when you are not a native speaker, and you have spent years in classes attempting to learn proper "Oxford english", with the rolled sounds and the "saxon genitive" and all, and when you finally feel you are close to mastering this complicated tongue, some guy comes up with something like:

"btw, 2day I had a gr8 time!"

And you realize you really just wasted a lot of your time.. :)


Well-known member
Quixote said:
And just imagine how it feels when you are not a native speaker, and you have spent years in classes attempting to learn proper "Oxford english", with the rolled sounds and the "saxon genitive" and all, and when you finally feel you are close to mastering this complicated tongue, some guy comes up with something like:

"btw, 2day I had a gr8 time!"

And you realize you really just wasted a lot of your time.. :)
good point Quixote..i never thought of it like someone just learning english, could be even more difficult to decipher :wink: