Moving to another country


Well-known member
I notice a lot of people here live in countries different from the ones they were born in. How the heck do you do that?? That would scare the crap outta me. I have moved quite a few times but always within a 50 mile radius - my comfort zone. :)
I'm just wondering how you coped with the move.


Well-known member
Back in 1998 I quit my job and moved to London for a year (from New Zealand). I was lucky in that I had some ex-colleagues who had just moved there before me, so they helped me settle in. But it was still scary, organising everything on my own - I don't know if I could do something like that these days!


Well-known member
I am actually moving to Europe next year, I am not really scared, except for job hunting, I feel different when I am in a different country, its like a new me! But starting a life there is very difficult for someone with Social Phobia.