most irrational thing i've done.. yeah its funny now!

A few years ago i went out for a few drinks in town.. and i'd only had a couple. I got home and when i woke up the next morning I was totally beside myself.. I had driven home under the influence! Queue thought process....

.. Oh my god, ive caused an accident... I've definately harmed somebody, yep I've killed somebody.. I went out and checked my car for any scratches or dents .. anything... The car was Perfectly parked and fine.

I was still convinced.. i was replaying the journey home over and over in my head.. and even though i could recall the journey and knew nothing bad had happened... i was still thinking, maybe i dont remember. I was consumed... Pacing, worrying ,, i had to take a valium just to get to sleep that night.

The next morning woke up with knots in my stomach.. i HAD to know that everything was ok.. so i toddled off to the police station.. anyone would do that right??

I went to the desk and told the officer that i had driven home the previous night and was probably over the limit.. and asked him if there were any accidents along the roads i had travelled.. Yeah he gave me a strange look. But was nice enough and told me nothing had been reported the previous night and that it had been a very quiet evening. he then said make sure you dont drink and drive next time ok maam..

I dont know what the guy must have been thinking.. but I'm sure he told the rest of his work buddies..:D i would have if i were him..

Any way i was relieved and it cleared my mind ready for the next episode::p:
I guess its not so much about not remembering.. because i remember everything ( i wasnt rolling drunk or anything) , more the idea that maybe , on the off chance i didnt remember that very point when something terrible happened.. and thats what made my mind unstoppable.. and i had the need to confess and make sure everything was ok ... its the only way i could get relief.. (the most frustrating thing is that i knew i had done nothing wrong and nothing had happened but i just could not control the feeling of dread)..
I predict catastrophe...