More frustrated step by step (Dr Richards Program)


New member

I don't know if anybody of you is familiar with this one but I would greatly appreciate some help regarding the program from Dr Richards.

I got it from Amazon (since it was a lot cheaper there than on the original website) some time ago and got until week 8 but after that just got frustrated with the amount of information and the activities + plus the slow talk technique had the opposite effect on me and made me feel weird and more anxious (maybe I was doing it in a wrong way).
I have a big seminar next week, so my anxiety is going through the roof (yes, I know I always made it through alive, but I can't really sleep and concentrate on anything much).

Did the program really have long lasting permanent effects on you?

As I didn't get the program from the original website, I didn't get the password for the website's members section where a lot of these things found on the handouts are supposed to be explained in more detail, so I think this could clear up a lot of confusion and conflicting thoughts I have about the program so far.
Could anybody please help me with that?

I'm really confused at the moment and really think I should not have invested the money (although it was cheaper on amazon).

Best regards.

Looking forward to hearing from you. .



Active member
Some people seem to have improved with it

- on Social Anxiety UK >>>>>>>>>> SA information section >>>>>>>>>>> Success Stories section -

Jackie tells her story and says the SA tapes and 3 week course really helped her.

I downloaded the tapes (as the full price is ridiculously expensive) and find it hard to keep going with the therapy and keep stopping and starting the program. I agree the tapes are really long and quite boring. I want to stick with the tapes though because I'm sure I'll learn at least something from it.

I found the slow talk helps me feel relaxed at home especially if I repeat what Dr Richards is saying as he speaks, but haven't used it with other people yet. You could try that or there are a lot of other tools so it probably isn't crucial that you master all his tools. Some things must be more helpful for some people than others. (For example, personally I didn't find the reducing negative thoughts so helpful as it draws attention to them which makes me think about them more.)

The whole idea of it seems good and I like the fact is CBT therapy specifically designed for Social Anxiety and you don't need a good therapist.

Especially as you've already bought the tapes you may as well continue with the therapy (maybe don't do the slow talk if you find it makes things worse).

Have you found anything in the tapes helpful? Do you less negative thoughts now than before?