Mindblock when writing creatively..


Well-known member
Considering I wanted to become a journalist and read books, many articles on my interests, I find when I want to write creatively I really struggle. My mind goes blank meaning I tend to waffle on without structure and my vocabulary - despite reading work from writers I like - disappears and I end up scratching for words to use. I try to find out what words mean but don't end up using them!

Help please!


Well-known member
Depends on the kind of work you want to create. Fictional prose? Poetry?

If it's prose, does it have a strong narrative focus or are you more interested in the atmosphere? Narrative fiction: think JK Rowling or Stephen King. Atmospheric fiction: EA Poe, HP Lovecraft

The two types are very distinct from each other, and rely on different sets of skills.

IMHO narrative fiction requires a lot of life experience, or at least some kind of social insight. Long ago I determined this kind of writing would not be possible for me because having social anxiety and mild Asperger's, I really don't understand other people or what makes them tick. Narrative fiction requires a very strong ability to put yourself in someone else's shoes (your characters, in other words.)


Well-known member
Waffling on is OK for a first draft. The key to writing is going back and editing what you have written. There are good books on writing out there that might inspire you and give ideas to tighten up your writing. I enjoyed "On writing" by Stephen King.

I stick to fairly easy words, with clear meanings I never go looking for obscure words that a reader may have to look up. The advice to show not tell has been one of the most useful pieces of advice that has helped my writing. When I go outside I look at what is around me and write it down as imagery which I often use in my stories.