Mocking, yes definitely, and especially from girls. Most of the times it seems that I will unconciously speak very softly and the person I am speaking to won't understand me. They will then look at me strangely and say nothing or ask me to repeat myself. But, yes, sometimes I will try to force a word out and it will sound like complete nonsense. As far as wanting to cry- are us guys allowed to do that?
Strange, but I was going through another redicule session today in my spanish class and I was thinking to myself- this is why I hated grade school so much! Does the social competition ever end? I know most people want to feel like they belong but why does that have to entail trying to boost their own esteems by degrading worthless losers like myself. I must admit, I am jealous, alot of quiet females are actually able to make friends regardless. Myself- I'm just a wierdo- potentially dangerous (they must think), eventhough I absolutely would never physically or (intentionally) mentally hurt someone unless I absolutely had to defend myself.
Gawd, I am feeling like shit today.... this girl who started talking to me at the beginning of the semester and I thought I could be great friends with me- turned on me after I got up the nerve to hang out with her. Ironic, but she said that she has SAD too (i'm not too sure). One day she invited me out for coffee after class, we hung out for hours and hours and I thought she really liked me, as a friend anyways.... and then I made the dumbass mistake of admitting that I found her attractive- stupid, because at this point what I want most is a friend. Anyways, the very next day she IM's me telling me she can't be a friend to someone that finds her attractive. And, ever since then her and her new friends in class have been making sarcastic comments in class at my expense. And talk about paranoia... i was the first out of my class to go up to the registration office to make a tuition payment and turn around because their was some loud and obnoxious talking going on.... and who is it- it's them- they look at me and go silent- my 'almost friend' gets quiet and I just know she probably thinks that I am some wierdo stalker. Sucks because eventhough her behaviour has hurt me, I'm not going to go chasing after her begging for her friendship.
All shits and giggles I guess... I try to get better... but I must admit, I am probably a complete dumbass who can't converse with anyone. Maybe that isn't completely true, because I have had moments when I talked at ease and had total fun- wasn't self concious- but this is a trick that my brain plays to give my hopes up- it all is... I have never felt witty enough to belong with anyone and to make things worse when I am called upon in class to speak, I look completely ignorant, because my brain just shuts down, and nothing comes out right. I told myself in the past that I am intelligent in certain ways- and it is probably true that I am- such as creativity and analytical skills, but I am 30 now and have always been afraid of growing old and dying alone..... hey at least I can be a scholar, but I will still be alone and people will continue to think that I am a freak. Well I have to do some studying and some meditation now... sorry, if I freaked anyone out- I just had to get that out- I am tired of hiding my feelings. Oops, this was supposed to be a response to another persons posting- sorry, I'm not the most optomistic at the moment- but I can relate- things will get better I am sure- just got to keep trying right. Oops, I forgot- I just shouldn't be egocentric.