Media Help With Anxiety


Well-known member
Does anyone else connect with media (music, books, tv) and actually feel that it gives them a better sense of their anxiety and find ways to "fix" it?

I recently started watching One Tree Hill (Blown through the first 4 seasons in a couple of weeks) and I've found that it helps me think about what life is really all about. (Dan Scott's character in particular and how I don't want to have regrets about things like he does) Sorry if I reference this show a lot, but it really speaks to me and I draw a lot from it. I would really recommend anyone to watch it. The story itself might not be for everyone, but the life lessons contained within definitely are.

I've spent the past 6 months, living at home with my parents and working a few days a week to earn some money for when I go back to university in September. The more I watch this show, the more I wonder, how much will I regret this "waste" of time, if at all.

I can't seem to find anything productive/worth while to do with all this spare time that most people would do anything to have. I'm open to suggestions on this one by the way.

I've just realized, anyone who has read my threads on this forum the past week that I've been here, knows more about my life over the past year than anyone I know in person. That's pretty messed up...well, I think so anyway.
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