MBTI (Personality test) - What are you?

extraverted Sensing (Se) *************************** (27)
average use
introverted Sensing (Si) ********************************* (33.9)
good use
extraverted Intuiting (Ne) ************************** (26)
average use
introverted Intuiting (Ni) ***************************** (29.8)
average use
extraverted Thinking (Te) ***************************** (29)
average use
introverted Thinking (Ti) ************************************ (36.1)
excellent use
extraverted Feeling (Fe) ****************** (18.7)
limited use
introverted Feeling (Fi) *************************************** (39.9)
excellent use

Says I am ISFP


Well-known member
I got INFP for this one but all the other tests I've taken told me I'm an INTP. Anyway, I didn't really think this test was that good. *shrug*
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I'm not sure if I trust this one... I've always gotten INTJ or ISTJ whenever I take the actual Myers-Briggs, and this one said INFP, which I don't think is right at all.