May make you feel better


Well-known member
I recall a friend i used to have, won't name names, lets just call him harry, anyhoo harry was very relaxed but never said much, i liked him though never judged him ..not once, i used to see bands with him alot ..

so believe it or not there are many people out there that wont judge you on how chatty you are or whether you come off as introvert extrovert .. ...

because i didn't and most of my friends were the same ..

so there are cool people out there that wont give a flying daffy, they'll just be glad to be a friend ..

i was happy to have him as a friend just for some company, and we joked around alot too ...but most of the time yeh it was a chilled out vibe

i think we tend to overcomplicate and over analyse, just keep it simple is my motto for the week

see ya later


Good one of my coworkers referred to me as her quiet neighbor or something like that. It wasn't what I'd choose to be described as and I kind of sighed in my head, feeling disappointed and dejected. I guess there are worse things to be called...but then I started wondering what she might say behind my back.