Do you feel that you are more mature than people without social phobia or shyness? I mean like are you more accepting, do you act more like how mature people should act than other people your age?
Mmm... depends. I think a lot of people are incredibly immature and I'm not... but then there are things like wanting a boyfriend that I just haven't caught onto yet.
I think I can be more mature and imature around people without SP. Like I am not the type of person to goof off and act stupid while at work or something. I am always really nice and respect people as much as i can. But I do most of that because im afraid people will hate me otherwise, or get mad at me and yell :evil: And im usually really quiet so I really cant do anything wrong really...
I guess I kinda think that im mature cause im too afraid to be immature...? maybe I dont know.
Like I really dont even know, im so confused by this. I havent really thought about it. Like I think i can be immature and act silly and weird. But I am more aware of other peoples feelings and stuff. Like dsljfdsjsdljfsdjflsdjfksdj CRAPO, BRAIN FART, DONT KNOW WHAT ELSE TO SAY EVEN THOUGH I WANT TO SAY MORE GRRRRRRRRRRR
I guess it depends, because I can act really immature at home. When I'm not home though, I tend to act very mature, because I'm uncomfortable. In a way, acting immature would draw attention to myself, which I wouldn't want.