masters in computer science..


Active member
I'm from India. I'm suffering from severe social phobia because of harassment I received from others[I will post my story soon]. I'm planning to go to USA next year for my masters degree. What I want to ask is whether masters program in computer science requires heavy social interaction. The very thought of talking and befriending some people scares me to death.
Is it possible that I can complete my course without having to do much with others and is does the course entail public speaking ?


Well-known member
Computer Science is what I would love to get into also, but as far as social interaction goes, you have a wide variety of career choices available to you in that field, and how many people you would interact with, would depend on what you wanted to do. Good Luck !


Active member
lonely_world said:
Computer Science is what I would love to get into also, but as far as social interaction goes, you have a wide variety of career choices available to you in that field, and how many people you would interact with, would depend on what you wanted to do. Good Luck !

hi, I would suggest that you contemplate over this before taking a rash decision. IT is a great field and it pays hadnsomely but it attracts the scum of the society. whats even more horrible is that I saw 30-35 year old's sitting in the canteen and displaying the typical teenage/highschool mentality. These people never mature. I had to leave my first job[2 months back] because of it. The environment can really trigger sever attacks.


Well-known member
I don't think there's a degree out there that will attract more socially akward type people (either socially phobic or people who lack social skills)... It's a great degree if you fit this description. The only think is the lack of females in these technical type degrees =(


computer science in the states

Computer science is a field which requires a good amount of teamwork. Most IT projects are carried out in teams. The bottom line is that if you choose to be quiet and keep to yourself, you will be accepted by your peers, and no one will give you a hard time. So, do not let the social aspect of the career hold you back. Please stop avoiding your fears, though. Meet with a psychiatrist who will prescribe you some type of medication, probably an SSRI, to help you cope with your anxiety (and probably depression.) Meet with a therapist regularly, or make a conscious effort to improve yourself. You will be so happy that you did. Best of luck!


regarding public speaking

I think it is safe to say that every single masters program will require some public speaking. You will probably have to present your final projects to the class at the end of a semester. This is because every masters program will want to give you an opportunity to build your general professional skills. If you do pursue a CS degree, (as mentioned by others in this thread) you will find plenty of extremely awkward people.


Active member
Joey86 said:
I don't think there's a degree out there that will attract more socially akward type people (either socially phobic or people who lack social skills)... It's a great degree if you fit this description. The only think is the lack of females in these technical type degrees =(

Unfortunately, I think you are right.

Problem is my parents won't understand and I don't really blame them.

They say it's a personality fault within me and I must overcome it.

I feel a lot of guilt as I've invested too much of my parents had earn money in this.


Well-known member
I know a bachelor's does. I am working on a B.S. in Computer Science now. I some how made it through Public Speaking(required). Public speaking is required everywhere for any degree nowadays, pretty much. I think that if you let the school/teachers know of your disability, they can work around it. I am always doped up on benzos in class though... I imagine a Masters would require more social interaction.


Well-known member
Joey86 said:
I don't think there's a degree out there that will attract more socially akward type people (either socially phobic or people who lack social skills)... It's a great degree if you fit this description. The only think is the lack of females in these technical type degrees =(

yes, there's definitely a lack of females, but sometimes there's a PAT :( I miss the required non major-related classes I took with lots of hot females.


Well-known member
Johnnash said:
Joey86 said:
I don't think there's a degree out there that will attract more socially akward type people (either socially phobic or people who lack social skills)... It's a great degree if you fit this description. The only think is the lack of females in these technical type degrees =(

Unfortunately, I think you are right.

Problem is my parents won't understand and I don't really blame them.

They say it's a personality fault within me and I must overcome it.

I feel a lot of guilt as I've invested too much of my parents had earn money in this.

my parents think the same thing. Nobody who doesn't experience SA can fully understand how bad it can be and how difficult it is to overcome. It is not something where you can say to yourself, I am going to start to be more social. It just doesn't work like that, because just being around people makes you physically uncomfortable.