Martial arts


Well-known member
I used to. Eventually I got tired of it when I realised it's just pointlessly punching and kicking without any purpose.


I used to want to learn martial arts. That is until I read somewhere that martial arts is evil in the eyes of God. If that is true, I don't want to have anything to do with it. I was really hoping that isn't the case though......


Well-known member
I did boxing,I still want to get back at doing something,but I have been procrastinating as I am not a good decision maker when given a lot of opportunities,I reasearched a lot,I have some good choices around here,boxing,shootboxing,mma,daido kudo champion teaches near me,muay thai,bjj,karate,judo,wrestling once per week,great to live in a place where there a lot of japanese and brazilian people,but its a very hard choice to me.:kickingmyself:

In my opinion the most important martial arts to master are boxing and wrestling,since this is what most barehanded conflicts comes down to,this is what is most natural to people,punching and grappling,second would be ones who uses chokes,locks,kicks and etc.
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