I couldn't look anyone in the eye at all except my one & only (then) friend (now I have no friends at all), until about a year ago. She didn't like it when she was talking & the person wasn't looking her in the eye & vise versa. I started going to therapy & my therapist, every appointment, kept making me look her in the eye. Now I can usually look certain people in the eye: therapist, psychiatrist, etc. But I still can't look anyone else in the eye, though I try. I have a different therapist now & I can't look her in the eye a lot of times. I just get too scared, anxious, intimidated... when I try to look into people's eyes. It's just really hard. It's even worse when the person starts talking to me; I just get sort-of panicked, so looking them in the eye certainly isn't gonna happen. It's hard to even look at their face, sometimes, much less look at their eyes. But I try & I've gotten a lot better at it.