Major Anxiety and fear

So I am having a big yard sale tomorrow to raise some money for me and my family. I'm not used to talking to people at all. Knowing that I have to talk and interact with people scares me. I'm shaking and on the verge of crying (I get very flustered in peaks of anxiety). I'm scared that everything will go wrong. Moreover, I'm scared of who will come and all the people.

No turning back though. I advertised and put in the work in already. Part of me wants to go AWOL on the whole thing but I can't because we really need the money. I'm just so terrified of actually doing this. I don't think I'm going to sleep tonight. ::(:

Any tips on how to calm down? And how to interact with all of these people without potentially scaring them all away. Sorry but I'm soooo scared. *cries*


Well-known member
I don't really know how to make things better, but what I do is count down the hours until it's all over. Like if it's now 10am and the yard sale finishes around 3pm, I'd tell myself that I only have 5 hours until it's all over, and whatever happens, in 5 hours I know it will all be finished, so it's just a case of existing for the next 5 hours. It doesn't work amazingly well, but it helps to put things in perspective. and counting down the hours and minutes gives my mind something else to focus on, which relaxes me and helps me interact better.


Well-known member
Well i do give presentations in the office, occasionally. Anxiety and stage fright are companions and i know how it feels. I usually take deep breaths and will be "fiddling" my marker pen. (something to hold on to). Then again as the presentation begins, i note my progress and find solace that it will quickly end.

I know, above information is of no use, but all the advice that i can give.

Best of luck.
Thank you for the advice. I'll just go through it untill it finally ends. After all it is only for one day. But as usual, the anticipation is crushing me. Just hope it all goes well. I'm also afraid of people coming into our yard and judging us by how we keep it. I know its not as nice as theirs but we try.

ah well...*deep breaths* Wish me luck.


Well-known member
Take deep breaths--it really works.

There's an old saying "fake it til you make it." It's trite but it's so true. Act like a confident person and you'll feel like one. Recognize that most people are friendly and not out to make your life miserable. Just smile, look them in the eye and use a friendly tone.


Well-known member
How did the yard sale go, Skull? did you survive?

I am thinking about having to be selling some CD's at a festival and I am kinda freaking-out about dealing with mobs of people :/ at least I can have my dog with me. And hopefully make some mucho dinero:D