lost in myself


I've been wanting to write something down for months now ,but every time I tried to write something down the meaning would go,but today's different. My thoughts manifest out of control or my awareness has grown either way its a problem,its like i've opened up into a world of thoughts, i've learnt emotion only makes these thoughts worse ive got enough emotion with fear the same fear that keeps bringing me back to this manifested state of mind so sorrow anger etc only makes these thoughts worse' its the fear that destroys every thing that ive built with positive thoughts. To be honest my life stinks ,when i go outside its like hell ,my minds in chaos the sweating panic attacks are just a few symptoms of the physical effect ,but its when the thoughts and feelings combine which causes the most pain, most of the time its like this, but somtimes I wonder if its just my awarness of these thoughts that causes the problem .But for me the older i've become its seemed to have got worse its just endless waves of thoughts its like im in a time warp living the same day over again, i feel lost maybe because i am.