looking some one that is good in SEO


as in search engine optimization?
I know quite a bit of white hat stuff (as opposed to black hat stuff as link farms, which I won't do); what do you need?


top 5 on what? google? that's a tall order, especially for a personal/private topic like SAD.

Google rankings (and search engine rankings in general) are primarily driven by other sites linking to yours. Your going to need to get others posting links to your site from facebook, twitter, their blogs, etc. to push up your ranking. As I said, this is very difficult for something like SAD b/c (I'd assume) most people aren't going to want to put this information out publicly.

If your convinced the high ranking is what you want, then you have to start reaching out and getting others to link to your site.

There's other stuff like keywords in the meta tag, title tag, etc. that I can happily help you with, but that's small potatoes, you need others to link to your site.

Note: I'm talking only about rankings, you can have a high hit rate w/o a high ranking based on content, but I'd need to see and know more about the site to provide any advice there.