Looking at life as I do my anxiety ...


Active member
Lately I noticed that the things I look forward too I look at very similar as I do my anxiety. I dread having things that I enjoy, fun things, being ruined by anxiety. I have a vacation coming up in a few weeks that has been postponed for one thing or another for the last 3 years, and instead of looking forward to it all I can do is wonder if I am even going to be able to enjoy it, or if I'm just going to feel like this during vacation, too.

Is there ever an 'aha!' moment when emotions will match my reasoning ?? I know these feelings are ridiculous and completey unsubstantiated, but somehow I can't convince myself to feel that way and it takes tremendous effort to make me think of something else, too.

On top of that I am having a difficult time finding something that I enjoy doing anymore. I used to be able to throw myself at something 100%. Be it my car, fansubbing anime, watching anime, building computers, model rockets, whatever, I LOVED doing it. Anymore I seem just just go through the motions. **** this ....

I did decide to blame Chantix for this **** btw, makes me feel a little better knowing I am not crazy by birth :rolleyes:

Just felt like venting a little and the wife is watching american idol so figured I'd bother you all indead :D