Long term effects of benzos? Ativan, Xanax, Klonopin, etc.


Well-known member
Thinking pot is going to solve your SA problems is stupid :roll: . It has been proven that a link between marijuana and mental illness exists. I've heard of people using pot for years and winding up in a mental institution :? Better off heading down the SSRI path. In terms of benzos long term, every day use will probably cause problems like addiction and tolerance. Better off using these drugs when you really need them.


Well-known member
I don't think it is wise to promote pot smoking on this website esp since some people are under 18, but anyhow if pot does it for you keep going :) . I think benzo use is okay (I for one do use them), people just have to be responsible with them, kind of like drinking, you don't do it all the time everyday.

In terms of that SSRI data showing it is useless that is wrong see this: The Guardian has some excellent coverage on this paper, where they quote one of the co-authors:

“Given these results, there seems little reason to prescribe antidepressant medication to any but the most severely depressed patients, unless alternative treatments have failed,” says Kirsch. “This study raises serious issues that need to be addressed surrounding drug licensing and how drug trial data is reported.”

They do work for people with severe depression who are the ones who need the drugs the most like me. As my psychiatrist says when you talk to people on these drugs most say they help.


Active member
I'm on 2 mg klonopin per day, but I've been changing what times I take it on a daily basis. Is it more effective when used lets say, 1mg 10 AM then 1mg 10 PM, on a consistent basis, instead of just randomly choosing the times to take it like I've been doing?


Well-known member

I think you should maybe have a good talk to your doctor regarding your benzo use. They are only recommended by the drug info page that comes with the drug for use between 2-4 weeks (in Australia anyway). I also got prescribed 3 x a day for Valium but I never use them everyday for fear of addiction. My psychiatrist is okay with how I use them. Surely you don't need to use them everyday, eg on weekends? Also maybe think about changing drugs from say Xanax to Ativan to stop the tolerance to one drug? I am not being critical just offering my opinion.

In terms of SSRIs maybe you should give them a go. I disagree with you on SSRIs offering only a placebo effect. When I started on Lexapro nothing happened at all for the first 5 days then bang, they worked, it was not a gradual effect. I was also sceptical but I gave it a long and hard thought and the only conclusion I came up with was that it had to be the drug. Even if it is a placebo effect surely it is better than nothing and say person X killing himself because of depression.


I do need to use them every day. I've been diagnosed with panic disorder, which leaves me having panic attacks if I'm ever around more than like four people. In America, benzos are only recommended for use up to six weeks, but in my case I need something to keep me relaxed constantly, because who knows when a bunch of people are going to show up at my house ya know? I've actually been getting out a lot more in the past month, doing things with old friends, and I'm feeling better than I have in years. I've even got plans for my future that I actually see myself going through with.

I don't know why, but it seems like two years of Klonopin 3x per day like wiped the slate clean for me, like I can finally move on from my past. I've done a lot of soul searching lately and I've looked back to what I used to enjoy and excel at. In my opinion, a job that I can envelop myself in and thoroughly enjoy is all I need. Since I'm only 20, I'm going to make that happen.

I still have panic attacks if I don't take my Klonopin or smoke some herb, but I feel like I'm finally starting to break through this wall that my psychiatrist calls panic disorder. It feels good.



Well-known member
i got ativan for short term anxiety, a total of 15 pills. they worked. ativan is only meant to be used for no longer than 2 months. i bought some illegally and was taking it daily for a year and developed many side effects including sexual disfunction, hallucinations and balance problems. the withdrawal was a bitch, but short lived because i wasnt taking a high dose.

use as directed, for serious.


Staff member
i got ativan for short term anxiety, a total of 15 pills. they worked. ativan is only meant to be used for no longer than 2 months. i bought some illegally and was taking it daily for a year and developed many side effects including sexual disfunction, hallucinations and balance problems.

Who knows what meds they really were or how pure a drug they could of been?

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