Little tiny things make and break my day


New member
Hello everybody! This is my first post to the forums so I think its high time I introduce myself. Ive only been diagnosed with depression and anxiety for about two years and but I see Im like a lot of other people on here who have a hard time distinguishing the “disorder” from their personality. Also I’m a 21 year old female student in the usa.

Sometimes I feel very delicate in that I can instantly be put in a sad/vulnerable mood. But luckily it goes both ways, something so small can make me so so happy :D Is anybody else like this? Here’s a list of examples that came to mind

It ruins the day when ..
-I have to visit busy or crowded places
-When I feel like everybody is “snubbing” each other (driving, lines, almost any group setting : /)
-When i have to talk with my mom on the phone
-When i Have to talk to classmates
-When I run into or see somebody I know
-When Im all out of milk

Happy, joy, joy when...
-When I hear my nextdoor neighbor laughing through the walls, also when I hear him play classical guitar music
-When somebody gives me a genuine smile
-Mutually smiling or making faces at a stranger’s baby or kid (that sounds wrong)
-Rachmaninov Piano Concerto No. 2
-Unspoken shared moments with strangers
-Listening to music in my car

Post yours, both silly and serious!

Fish and chips (and other foods)
Clouds, greenery
People being nice to others
Foot reflexology massage
Painting and other creative 'pursuits'


People being unkind to others
Not enough sleep
Reports of wars and such
Reminders of my wasted potential aka stupidity

Anthem of the Angels

Well-known member
Good mood:
-Seeing the sun shine when I get up
-Playing with animals (especially little kitties)
-Receiving a genuine smile x2 :)
-Watching RWJ & Baretsandbereta's videos

Bad mood:
-When my mom starts bi**hing about me not studying (even though she sees I'm on the verge of collapse)
-Knowing there's nobody that will pick me up if I fall face down on the floor
-Starting to sweat
-And much more to go... :)
Makes my day :
A sunny day , feeling the sunshine
Go swimming
Taking a bath , reading a book or both ^_^
Watching a documentary ( I just have a thing for docu's, I really enjoy them )
A lovely comedy, or having a good laughter
Making people happy, help people out
Visit my grandparents , they are so sweet
Shopping with my mom
Cycling in the park :)

Breaks my day :
Going to the dentist
Having a panic attack
Be depressed or having a sad moment
Mean people
Places which makes me anxious
Bad: Things that generally get me in a negative mood:
• A ringing telephone in my house. I get a feeling of dread.
• Somebody bringing up the subject of boyfriends or the fact that I've never had one.
• When somebody comments on my quietness.
• When I see people my age (teens).
• Seeing/being around a normal looking to attractive boy my age, sometimes.
• Listening to music. At first I get happy listening to music, but often if I continue I get obsessive and feel bad.
• When I had a change to interact with somebody and did either badly, or just okay, or good. I get angry at myself for not being perfect and feel ashamed at missing the opportunity if I did badly and begin to doubt myself if I did okay or good.

Good: Things that generally get me in a negative mood:
• A really good joke, or an ironic picture, situation, or quote. Laughing cures everything, momentarily anyway. And if its not directed at somebody, of course.
• When I meet a person who is so non-judgmental that I feel relaxed and safe around them.
• Being around my friend's 2 year old brother.
• Music sometimes.
• Talking to my dad about philosophy.
• When somebody goes out of their way to have a conversation with me.
• Watching or listening to Doctor Who.
• Driving in the car with my mom while we both listen to a P.G. Woodhouse book.
• Listening to music in my car
• Watching a good movie.
• Listening to Father Roderick's podcasts.
• Being outside near nature on a beautiful day.
• Drawing.