link to CBT site, Emotional Freedom Technique - awesome


hi everyone. i`ve submitted a story about myself, but after reading some of the topics here i thought it might be helpful to post all the links that i have visited and found helpful.

i have struggled with depression and anxiety about 15 years, though the anxiety has only in the last week come to my attention. the last few months it was really bad so i finally took action - i`ve seen 2 GPs, 2 psychiatrists, 1 psychologist, 1 kinesiologist, 3 naturopaths, 1 spiritual healer and read many books and websites. I approached this with an open mind, as conventional medicine`s understanding is far from complete regarding this. I`m just going to list here the things that might help anyone else here looking for the thing that their current therapy might be missing, in the hope that they don`t go round and round like i did (which made my condition worse).

they are listed in no particular order, but i`ve given a number on a helpful scale 1-5 (5 being most helpful) in terms of how i found it. the stuff i accessed is all free.

1. CBT - better for people with depression. this site is a self-CBT you can do yourself. helpful rate of 2.5. recommend it be done when the depression has been lifted to moderate/light by meds or supplements first, as otherwise it can make it worse. People with personality disorders SHOULD NOT do this, as this is a method to fix warped thoughts.

2. Emotional Freedom Technique. I give it 4.5. I found this link on a forum - a technique where you neutralise specific negative thoughts by doing a sequence of taps onyour body. it`s the best thing that i`ve done for myself cognitively. More progress made in delving into my thoughts than all the therapy I`ve had put together. The manual is a bit wordy at the beginning - but once you have learnt it, it`s easy.

from this website, where there are a couple more tips. he has DVDs he recommends you buying, but i did it without them.

3. Taoism and Buddhism websites. I give them a 3. They have stories and easy explanations that gave me another angle of understanding what i have. The buddhism site has specific sections (look down the left side) on stuff like depression and self confidence, which also helped. NB-the buddhism site is tibetan buddhism, which has religious aspects to it; i used the site for the parts on depression etc only. Taoism is a philosophy based on a poem written thousands of years ago. the site is a bit tricky to navigate through, but there are valuable insights there.

if you like this kind of thing - vipassana meditation is something I`ve tried a couple of times. it trains you to neutralise negative thoughts, but is a pretty big commitment of 10 days. It completely took away any trace of depression the first time i did it, but did about 40% the second time. I rate it 3-5 depending on where you`re at. it`s based on donation, so it`s free, and is also areligious - so they invite anyone to do it. happy to tell you about it if you want to consider it.

4. edgar cayce site. I rate this 3.5, for the phrase and cognitive exercise especially. Looked at it after my dad mentioned him. I haven`t tried all his suggestions.

the ideals exercise (cognitive exercise):

OK, I can`t findthe page with the phrase on it, so here it is: when people asked him to do something about their depression, he often asked - `If you were healed, what would you do differently in life?`

5. Youtube. 3.5. Just lifted me up when I needed it - here are a couple of clips that helped lift my day:

def tech song:

hugs in hollywood:


6. Hyakumasu keisan. When you get depression it slows your concentration and thinking. I use this site to see how fast I`m thinking. It`s basically a table of easy addition you have to do it as fast as you can. (To enter, click on the 1st of the three green buttons. The second is subtraction, the third is times tables). It times you, and you can try imrpoving your time. I was amazed at how slow I was thinking (it took me over 2.5 minutes the first month), and how it changes according to my mood.

7. article on adrenal exhaustion. I found i had it.

OK. that`s it. sorry, that`s a lot of reading, but it`s all the sites that have helped me in some significant way so far, and I hope that this might help you get closer to where you need to go too.
lot of hugs and love.