Liking a girl...


New member
Bear with me here; this is a little long.

I work in dietary at a nursing home not far from where I live. Just the other day, I came across this girl I’ve never seen before, who works as an aid on one of the floors. When I saw her working in the dining room, I became interested in her and thus begins the story.

Being at my job for as long as I have, I have a reputation for being shy, quiet, introverted, whatever you want to call it. One of the aids, who likes to tease me a lot because of this, was talking to her about me. Not in a bad way, just playfully (She was smiling and pointing me out to her). Later, I went to give the girl her floor cart so she could take it down to her unit. Before she walked away, the aid who likes to tease me made a comment to her about me. I don’t quite remember what it was exactly, but it was one of those “do you like him?” kind of questions and she said it teasingly. The girl looked at me, said “Oh, he’s cute,” and then walked off. The other aid’s eyes widened and she kept teasing me about trying to hook us up and what not.
Honestly though, I felt kinda awkward and embarrassed because I actually did like the girl she just used to pick with me. But yeah, those childish antics aside, her saying I’m cute gave me some hope, although a part of me thinks she was just saying it to humor the other aid or something else.

I did manage get to her name and some information about her. She told me she's in college (supposedly the same one I went to), and she's studying to become a nurse. And apparently her family's wealthy (my friend on the job told me this, not her).

My dilemma right now is how to keep approaching her, what to say, etc. I’ve never been any good when it comes to talking to women. Hell, I'm not much of a conversationalist period. I’m always afraid I’ll say the wrong things and screw up. I want to seem interesting and not dull, but I don't wanna be phony about it either.

I wanna be able to talk to her, warm myself up to her, and then see if I can get to know her. It’s been awhile since I was attracted to anyone and while it feels good to venture back into familiar waters, I can’t help but think of being rejected. I know rejection is a part of life and not everyone is gonna like you back, but it’s always been my biggest fear when it comes to women. I’ve never had a girlfriend before and whenever I try to get close to one, that’s usually what happens. Not being pessimistic, just a fact.

When I get caught up in these situations, I try to be respectful and wait for the right moment to act while avoiding any behavior that might turn them off. So far, I think I’m doing well. I've been trying to say "hello" a little more and actually call her by her name. She really doesn't know my name yet. Just my face.

I don’t know what days she works, but I’m guessing she’s an evening aid since that’s usually the shift her and I work under. I’m also afraid I might miss the opportunity if I wait too long. I just have this… feeling she might leave or change shifts.

But yeah, in a nutshell: I like a girl at my job and I don’t know how I should keep approaching her. Does anybody have any advice they can give me? Thanks in advance.


Well-known member
If I were you I'd back off a little at work, let her do her job, and instead wait for an opportunity where you can get closer to her at a more informal time and place. Is there a party or a night out coming up? If so, I would wait until then to make a move. In the meantime, it's fine to keep a low profile and make yourself a little scarce.

I say this because if you're always seeing each other at work and exchanging basic pleasantries it can become too stagnant and mundane, and if you're not careful you'll seem like part of the furniture to her instead of a potential mate.

The way I see it, you know she thinks you're cute, so you've already got an advantage. Now give her the gift of missing you a little, and then make a big splash at the right moment to knock her off her feet. Prepare yourself well for that night though, whenever it is. Dress well, smell good, maybe get a couple drinks in you, and let your natural charm flow.

That's how I would do it (minus the natural charm part), but I'm sure others will have their own suggestions. Either way, best of luck to you.
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