

Well-known member
Sorry to hear that you're having a hard time :(. What's the problem?

I agree that life can be a bitch and will give you only troubles to work on but we still gotta try. And by venting in the forums, it's a good sign that you want your life to be desperately better than it is right now.

So what's bothering you?


Well-known member
The problem is that I'm a selfish antisocial prick. I have just about every disorder that exists: ADHD, OCD, AvPD, SP, Asperges, Schizoid... I haven't been diagnosed, but I know I am. I don't feel anything, I'm numb. I'm indifferent to everything, I just don't give a shit anymore. There's no point to life. We're born and then we die. So why wait?


Well-known member
Damn :(... What are you doing right now? (just asking to see where you are) Are you going to college, work?

Because having this negative thoughts makes us (I'm talking to myself too) go into a deeper negative emotions. How do you know you have ADHD, Schizoid... you may be just thinking that way and that controls your emotions.

Try to take things step by step. What do you like? What do your favorite subject? Because trying to just get out of it all of sudden is very hard and realistically impossible. We can't go from floor 2 to 24 instantly (maybe if we had a teleport, we could :p) but you must go thru life step by step.

And enjoy your little succeses, even tiny ones are successes. Like, if you were afraid to go to shopping malls and then you succeeded, that's a huge success. And that will encourage you to take other steps.

And my philosophy is, how can you talk and be social to people if one is not even loving himself? So first, we need to love ourselves how we are and then try to be the best we can. Because if love ourselves, we will appear more confident and that will make a positive vibe.

I'm talking to myself too because I'm also having problems with this SP... but we we can do is do the best we can and help each other.


Well-known member
nesh said:
The problem is that I'm a selfish antisocial prick. I have just about every disorder that exists: ADHD, OCD, AvPD, SP, Asperges, Schizoid... I haven't been diagnosed, but I know I am. I don't feel anything, I'm numb. I'm indifferent to everything, I just don't give a shit anymore. There's no point to life. We're born and then we die. So why wait?

I always think the same, we are born then we die.....But why!?


Well-known member
If we're all just going to die anyway, might as well make it a fun trip. Have fun with your existence. It's all you got for the time being!


Well-known member
Aaaaarrrrrgggghh! Basically it's how I'm feeling right now. I don't expect anyone to give a shit about how I feel. At the end of the day we're all just little ants on this big round ball in the middle of no-where with no significance whatsoever, so who gives?


I just look at this place as a community of people who share these anxious, life depriving thoughts with. It's a place where people actually see eye to eye with you on the subject, not just another person who thinks they know whats wrong with you and knows what medicine usually works for the symptoms... This is a great place, I don't agree with anyone who puts it down, because if you weren't here, you'd be "wasting" your time somewhere else anyways...



Well-known member
i think the problem maybe because, when i read some of these posts that have negative thoughts exactly like me. I feel that i am not alone. But the problem is that that makes us relaxed, and maybe we dont put enough effort to break through this thing cause there are many like us... Its just my thinking. I think in strange ways sometimes...


Well-known member
i dont usually like to agree with negative posts but this one i feel i really have to. i'm in sort of a neutral place right now...not too down and not too up and i hate it! just a month ago...i was totally down and had given up...but a few good things happened and there are some potential good things in my future so there's a little hope. but i want to feel either totally depressed so i wont hope for things and maybe kil myself lol or feel totally good so i would have incentive for a better life. i hate this neutral stuff. i want to feel numb. sorry for rambling. this is for me personally but i wish everyone here only the best :) and hope no one feels like life isnt worth living.

nesh said:
We are conned in to believing that we should follow the crowd which is complete BS!!!
this is sooo true!!! i just went to a shopping mall and it was like a "Rodeo Drive" of las vegas and everything was like expensive crap and people were walking around pretending to be all rich and buying stuff...but they werent. i hate that stores try to brainwash all the kids at such an early age and all the kids feel they have to have like abercrombie expensive crap to fit in with the kewl kids i guess. and when they grow up they feel they have to marry only a rich person to keep up their image. this just makes me sick. probably why most females wont even give me the time of day lol. btw...i hate shopping during xmas!!!! :x and....sales people!!! if we need help we would ask for it!


Well-known member
I'll say read the bible with some others who study it like JW's for example. For me about two months in things started hitting me like bombs, obvious right-in-our-face things, which while I can discuss and state the truth the knowledge has to be read from scripture and personal view/experience.

I cannot deny the extreme wisdom and insight I have gained so far... its unreal intill you realise further.

It is, without doubt the greatest and most important thing to do in life, learning these facts. Without a doubt, and I have no reason to lie and most certainly not 'brainwashed'.

So yes, there is this and that fellow forum goers is the absolute truth of things, it is just a matter of asking 'why' in the face of things wrong, realising why we are here indeed, and why the world is truly as it is.

I will not go further into it as some things learned are better understood with the foundations set first. Like a puzzle game... some pieces of knowledge cannot be set down without others placed. That is in essence understanding.


Well-known member
I've always said that life is something you're forced into and then, right when you get the hang of it, you'll be forced out. Is there truly a purpose in the unavoidable suffering of life? Perhaps. The religious believe so, and although I doubt their beliefs I must say I admire them for having faith that this life is not merely an exercise in futility. Nevertheless, I personally don't believe we are on this planet for any other reason beyond reproduction. But for most it's too depressing to see things this way. People aren't religious because they want to worship God in all his greatness. No, they are religious because they want to belief there is an afterlife;a reward for suffering through this mess of a life.

For us humans, the most unfortunate aspect of life is the fact that we are so aware of our own suffering. We know pain inside and out and no matter what we do we cannot avoid it.


Religion is just a way for people to keep structure to their lives with moral codes and beliefs, that are, in my opinion, foolish. I don't care what religion it is, believing that there is some big dude in the sky is taking care of everything is bullshit. I can't wait for an asteroid to head straight for this planet just so all of the religious people can go crazy because God isn't there to help them. Wait a minute, they'd probably just blame the state of the world and say God had to blow us up.

If there's one thing I've found out in this forum, there is no good arguing with someone faith. The above is my mere opinion and none of the comments are directed toward any particular person or religion...Just to put out the flames...



Well-known member
Heh I personally dislike the word, or at least the term used. Religion.

Now what I have learned is more than that, more than someone created us and more than the hope of afterlife ect.

It is something that people turn away from of course for some it is nothing but the raving of lunatics, but something unknown? The real reason?

From what I know, every breath, every second of thought, is testament to this so called 'religion', facts roll out and consistancy is throughout.

My religion? Is life unhindered by things veiled, the truth of things laid bare.

There is faith of course, no doubt about that. But to learn! To find and seek out the truth among lies! Is something essential and yet, difficult for any of us. This difficult part is the conflict between this world and current system of things and the very obvious truth that we exist in today, and like everything there is a reason.

And me, someone who knows this and still held back by no one but myself. Freewill is an important thing. Finally I say those who seem to be called Jehovah's Witnesses are evidence enough, prehaps a 'religion' as anyother, maybe described as false by other such things, but in reality so far in my experience they are neither hypocrites or liars as a whole. I am not tied to them as a organization in anyway other than a friend pointed out the light among darkness. So no im not active, its just a matter of passion, learning and breaking free of these personal issues at the moment.

I dont see myself as devout or preaching, but merely a bystander talking of the life and reality we cannot see.


Well-known member
The secret to happiness is the ability to count your blessings. If you consider that everything that you have is a positive, a plus if you like, and do not focus on the things that you do not have, than you grow into happiness. It's a bit like the glass half full or half empty.