Life stinks


Well-known member
I was spose to call up this friend of mine today n' I gave her my word yesterday that i will call her. But I feel soo nervous and scared to even dial her number. What a big loser i am. I havent talked to her for months. Life is soooooooo fucked up man. :x . Nothing is goin in my way and I jus wana fuckin jump over a cliff.

Death has to be easy cuz life is hard.. It'll leave u mentally and phisically scared!


You are not a loser.
All you are doing is reacting quite naturally to an overwhelming powerful feeling.
For those of us with SA, this kind of act feels life or death, and to go against the body's natural reaction to such a feeling is immensely difficult.
You need to realise you are simply responding naturally to an overwhelming feeling. You are not a loser. You try, and that is all you can do.
Please give yourself a break. Accept that you are scared and nervous, but that there are reasons for this. You may not understand them, but something causes these impossible feelings. And faced with these feelings, anyone would react in the same way. Beating yourself up will only make the feelings worse, and lower what little self esteem you have left.
I know it's not easy!! Life is hard. But try and make it even just a little easier for yourself.
You are not a loser.

Not a loser, ok?

Take care.


Well-known member
I think us sufferers are actually pretty damn brave to keep facing life in the way we do. The only thing I resent is that other people will never really know how hard it is for us to accomplish the most basic stuff, the things that everyone else seems to take for granted. Studying, finding a job, a mate, all these things are made so much harder, and that's not even touching on day-to-day life, where people like me struggle with making a phone call, opening the front door, or even just buying a soda. Delacratic wrote a nice post and I agree with him. It's very understandable to react this way, every one of us on these forums has these same sort of issues. That means there's a lot of common ground and by that definition alone you're not strange or a loser.