Life after S P


New member

I suffered from S P for a period of about 20 years. It was just awful as most of you could attest to. I'm now cured. I can now do things which I could only dream of. Things like talking in large groups, initiating and enjoying conversations with total strangers, walking to the front door of my house to leave and looking forward to "bumping" into people I know, etc.

For the vast majority of the 20 years that I suffered i thought that i would have to live with it for the rest of my life and i resigned myself to just trying to lead as "normal" an existence as i could. Then something incredible happened. I had an encounter with God. Up to then i was an aethist so it was a real surprise to find that He existed.

Anyway, He cured my problem. Not at once - although some symptoms resided very quickly - but over a fairly short (by 20 year standards) period of time. I would add that I gave Him my heart (this is very important, if you are not prepared to give Him your life then you can not expect Him to provide a supernatural healing but hey, why not. A life of happiness free from S P devoted to God vs a life not devoted to Him that has its moments but generally sucks big time).

Now, I realise that what I have written will cause some of you to manifest - get angry if you like - and I apologise to those because it is not my intention to upset you. Religion (or spirituality if you prefer) is an emotive issue. You will note that I have not mentioned my religion because I strongly believe these words which I once read; "All roads lead to the top of the mountain, only the view is different" and the truth that all, be they Christian, Buddist, Muslim, or whatever, who seek with their hearts, find God. The secret being the seeking with your heart.

Anyway, that is my story.

Anybody who would like to discuss this in more detail with me can contact me via my email address. Its in my account details.


Well-known member
its inspiring that you beat our anxiety. congratulations :D

i must admit .. when i read further .. i was a bit taken aback .. as i was expecting some "practical" advice.

the path that you have taken is very couragous, and i admire you. I am raised with a religous background. i have my fundamental faith .. but i am not really committed to anything in anyway. im sure you know what i mean.

the thought of taking the religous path has crossed my mind before. a few times i have though "well if i just did everything right in the first place .. i wouldnt be having these problems !"

but thats where the bravery comes in i suppose. the guts to take the risk, to move your life into a totally different direction, away from everything you know.


Well-known member
Some people can be really mean and rude when talking about how they found God and are now superior to the rest of us, which ironically goes against the foundation of any religion. Thank you for not shoving your religion down our throats. I really respect that.
And, of course, I'm glad to hear you are better. That's another victory for our team.


Active member
:wink: Im happy for you! Your message can give me some hope!!!
I want to go out with groups of people and talk to them easily!!


Staff member
glad you feel better and god did it for you mate.

not a road I'm gonna go down to be cured though.

but I can see how belief and positive thinking is a major factor in curing SP.