Let the Light In!


Guys... Light plays an important role on sustaining life. For 1 thing, sunlight provides you with Vitamin D for your bones (or was it E?). Secondly, light raises levels of some "pleasure" chemical in your brain, meaning that you'll feel better as appose to someone who lives in the dark. Nothing Unusual there. Apparently the scandinavia region of Europe has very long nights, and is a dark country, and apparently the suicide rate is higher than other countries. I read that somewhere.

What I'm getting at...DO NOT spend most of your time in a dark room with the curtains shut. Let the light In!


Well-known member
I just tend to forget to open the curtains of my room... and usually by the time I get up its already night time. *terrible sleeping patterns lately*


I just tend to forget to open the curtains of my room... and usually by the time I get up its already night time. *terrible sleeping patterns lately*

dude seriously, thats not cool. I'm actually falling into that same trap recently, though I try to monitor my sleep routine via an alarm clock.
pumpin up the cells with sun!!!!!! oh sun come innn to my celll.. its cold as hell.. go to the nucleus.. and find my source of lifee.... illuminate my soul.. fill the whole.. :p:p:p


so u r gonna be hot even before I get there? :p

Put it this way...regardless of the degree of tan you have before you go out into the sun...5 minutes, and you'll start to burn. Actually, my post referred to light, not specifically sunlight.


Well-known member
I agree MarkW. :) Whenever i open my curtains and let the sunlight in i instantly feel alot happier. I'm a highly sensitive person to not only emotions but the 5 senses as well and light plays a big part in my mood. I do not like to be in the dark, but i do like low lit rooms to relax in. I need some light wherever i go, and sunlight is the best to lift my mood!


Well-known member
im always out in the sun , if i see sun its like F...K MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE whoooooooooooo , im out on my bike or walking the dogs or something ..


Well-known member
That's not true for everyone. Light makes me feel worse, emotionally & physically. It makes me more anxious & agitated. It's been like this ever since I was a kid. I hate light because of the way it makes me feel. Dark, on the other hand, is soothing, it calms me down, & makes me feel better & more comfortable. If it weren't for the fact that light makes me feel so bad, I'd spend more time in it, but it makes me feel terrible, so I avoid it as much as possible.


Well-known member
dude seriously, thats not cool. I'm actually falling into that same trap recently, though I try to monitor my sleep routine via an alarm clock.

^^; I know. But I'm not doing it on purpose. I've always had a body that will sleep through sounds. *has slept through 2 fires*
Luckily its only been the last two days that its happened. Though it still annoys me. Woke up at 8pm today >>