Let down

yeah, I know the feeling. Family get-togethers are nerve wracking because it feels like everyone is thinking how worthless my life is. I don't have a significant other or kids like everyone else. All I do is work, and even though I work hard I don't make a lot of money, so they aren't impressed. I just remind myself that their opinion is not the important one. I'm the one I have to live with on a daily basis, so I have to remind myself that my life does have value and that everyone else's opinion is rather meaningless in the grand scheme of things. Pat yourself on the back once in a while, simply for surviving life!


Well-known member
I used to be concerned about that until I realized at family gatherings like weddings or funerals or baptisms or whatever I could play the "so, your daughter got knocked up at 15?" card, or the "shit, 25 years and all they gave you was a fucking watch?" card or the "sucks about my uncle Matt being gay. Doesn't help that the girls both dropped out of college" card. My extended family could be a John Waters movie. Makes being Me a hell of a lot easier.