Laughter as Your Medicine?

I was wondering, how many of you use your sense of humor in terms of dealing with an embarrassing encounter/situation?

Personally when someone tells me I'm weird or strange I tend to say something self degrading but funny so that people laugh and don't see me as merely 'that weird guy'. Because 'that funny weird guy' is allot better.. :rolleyes:

Of course, some experiences are just too dreadful and frankly make me cringe and make me want to implode out of existence.

But does anyone do something similar? :3


Hmm I'd try, but usually when I get embarrassed I'm too focused on the situation to even try. However, I will laugh about it because it makes the situation more tolerable that way, and less awkward of course..


Ahh I hate that. I wish I could figure out something to say to make myself seem like less of an idiot, and I just can't seem too, and I think about it the whole entire night afterwards...stresses me out!
I laugh when I do something embarrassing in public/in an awkward situation, but when I go home I secretly dwell on it for sometimes hours on end.

Like yesterday . . I was behind the desk at the hospital picking up the phones. A patient called in and I had to call his nurse for him. So I dialed the nurse's telephone number (they give the nurses these pager telephone things) and I guess she was in the workstation behind me. So her phone rings (I didn't realize the sound came from behind me because phones and faxes are ringing all the time! I didn't really think anything of it) and I'm talking to her, telling her what her patient needed THROUGH THE PHONE.. while shes STANDING RIGHT BEHIND ME.
So she taps me on the shoulder and gives me this look like I'm the biggest retard in the world. I was like: "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't hear that." She tells me: "Well, its ringing, what else could it be?"

Then guess the hell what? It happens again about 2 hours later. Once again, its this extremely dirty look that she gives me

I laughed it off casually just to cover up the embarrassment. I'm still thinking about what happened though ;/
Her reaction was a bit out of line, but even if she was nice about it, I would've still been embarrassed.

* Sorry for the long post. :)

Aw, well if it's any consultation, I think it's a very cute story, and doesn't make you sound stupid at all. :3

This is actually one of these situations where most of the blame is on her. Anyone could have made that mistake, and so a smile or laugh should have been in order on her part.

It sure put a smile on my face. :)


Hahaha it's good to get that anger out. I think that some people are just jerks and lack understanding. That sounds pretty outta line to call you an "effin' retard" especially since you're doing your best. I can think of something similar that happens to me.

Where I work there's this lady that kind of gives an illusion that she's working when she's not. Also, when she makes a mistake she finds some way to make me look like the idiot. Some people are in it for themselves and I hate it.

Anyway...I might've just completely ventured off topic.