Lately at work, I haven't been able to socialisewith anybody


Well-known member
It feels horrible at times, at work for 6-8 hours, I want to talk to other people , but I can't get myself to do it. The only time I will talk is if I am very certain I won't be rejected in any shape or form, or if I have to issue a work command (even then, I still let them do it themselves sometimes, after all, it could be wrong). You get nervous and stuff up if someone watches you. You avoid certain employees. You wait until social danger has passed before you resume your job. For example, if certain people are in the way, you wait until they move before you go in that direction, it is too rude to say excuse me, it interfere's with their job (ironic that sounds).

I feel I am not performing my job well enough because of this. I got 4 days off this week, so hopefully I can refresh somewhat.



Well-known member
You see to me the whole social thing is trivial during work, everyone has their own agenda ...people need to spend their time saying what they think and not what they think they want people to hear ...

People will try to control you ...but they think they are being friendly by walking over you, but then there are just the super-kind hearted people that you can talk to anytime ...

i couldnt care less what people think of me anymore ..or if i'm sometimes quiet and sometimes loud doesnt matter, it just seems to me the louder ones at work want to be heard because they want to be seen as popular and i couldn't give a rats, i'm nice and pleasant and i say what i think when i feel like it, everyone at m work is so needy of attention it makes me ill inside...

Also realise that certain people just arnt going to click with you, but your stuck in a job where you have to at least show interest right?!

I find the whole concept of working for a business is "selling your soul" which is so depressing, and having to wake up at this exact time every fucking day of your entire life like a robot wonder people go crazy ....

yeh i dont like most jobs, i really need to escape and work free lance ...its not working around people that bothers me its just feeling like a puppet and a slave, and my strings are being pulled everyday by the system ..the repetitiveness of it ...this is why im anxious because my brain is melting away from this unnatural lifestyle ..

we are the only species that has to walk through hell to live, in your retirement, and by then your too old to appreciate it ...