Last One To Respond Wins!


Well-known member
less blah blah and more bang bang

now I win


not actually Fiona Apple
The Small Print

2,000th post win! :D

This win post is only redeemable upon first reaching the 2000 post mark. Deleting and reposting does not allow for multiple 2000 wins*. Submitting a void win post is punishable by death.

*The exception to this rule is if the repeat 2000th post is posted in the same month as the original 2000th post. The same year is not necessary


not actually Fiona Apple
Yeah, but when goku dies he goes to that cloud place and usually ends up coming back to life. Pooh is an existentialist though, nothing happens when he dies ::(:


not actually Fiona Apple
I know, Piglet's too busy poking Pooh's poking bloodied corpse with a stick. Eeyore and Owl seem to absent from the picture, there may still be hope. Eeyore always was the most outgoing of the hundred acre wood crew :rolleyes: