Languages & Cultures


Well-known member
Does anyone here like learning different languages?

I don't know many. Actually I am fluent in only one language but which to be pretty good in others. I know a good amount of Spanish but I am horrible with listening and speaking it. I can chat in Spanish but I don't always understand. I can read and get a good understand but can't always translate it. I am working on German and want to learn others too. If you want to practice them with me you can. But I barely know any German, I just started learning.

What language do you speak natively, fluently, and what languages are you learning and want to learn?

Well-known member
English obviously, really small amount of German (losing it though) and trying to learn Farsi. I wanna learn Spanish one day too.


Well-known member
"What language do you speak natively"
Russian, Ukrainian

Russian, Ukrainian, English

"what languages are you learning and want to learn?"
Organic chemistry :D