Landing a Job


Just got the call that a position I interviewed for was given to someone else. I'm 20 now and have never had an official job. How is it possible? Being unable to communicate to people can be quite the hindrance in the professional world.



i feel ur pain im under intense pressure to get a job but i cant find a way to communicate noramlly with people i just look awkward and i think people dont like my personality cos im so damn nervous all the time.


Well-known member
you need to keep trying! my oldest brother doesn't seem to have social phobia but he still lost out to other people when applying for a job on 3 separate occasions and he's a decent worker. it's hard but if you don't keep going for it it won't happen :)


Well-known member
Took me about 6 months of intensive (almost day-to-day) job searching, 80 applications and 16 interviews to get my job. My colleague applied to on job ONLY (the one he's in right now); he got the interview for it and got it. He scoffed at me when I told him how much grief I went through to get this job...because, hey, look at him, he wasn't even trying and got the job in just one shot...he said I was "very funny" (i.e. a loser).

Some people are just...sigh...

Anyways, the gist: Don't complain until you've done at least as much as me...and then you'll deserve my sympathy. Keep trying, and good luck!
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Thanks guys. I just think it's interesting and I'd bet most people who suffer with this anxiety unfortunately are working a job they don't like or aspire for (because it's all they can get) .