Lacrimation (eye watering) when passing a group of people



I'm so curious if anyone here has the same thing which I have.

So, when I'm in some situations such as passing a group of people on the street or being in some kind of the center of attention - but it appears especially when I'm moving somewhat - my eyes start watering (some over-quantity of the tears appears in them)! It's so embarassing! And I've nowhere found any texts about similar sympthoms of the social anxiety... It's worse than the blushing I think - or at least equal bad... :(

Does anybody here has it too? Or maybe it's something really unique?

Oh, how hard is socialphobic life...


Well-known member
I thought I was the only one!!! I do that alll the time!!! Along with the red face, I get teary, and its not the puppy dog toilet paper ad kind of tears :oops: :roll:


Well-known member
I used to get that and every now and then do.

The thing is that some people I have known have had their own eyes start to get teary just because mine were! ...My sense is that it is just a symptom of shy sensitivity -and a lot more people are probably prone to it.

Rather than describe yourself as having an ill mind, maybe you are just highly sensitive and are therefore more emotionally vulnerable, perhaps also with a compulsive aspect.

I really do think that it only takes a slight difference from 'the norm' for a person to fall into becoming an outcast. This is why expressions like: "the vicious circle" are used and why also their is prejudice in the world. -It is because these so-called important differences in status -eg, a socalled outcast or mentally ill person vs the so-called 'normal' and well adjusted person- all these big or significant differences arise from small emotional differences. -This is why we can spiral out of control, lose our self esteem, get trapped in a cycle of thinking and feeling negatively. And it is why their is prejudice towards people with in such circumstances of lowered status ...because intuitively we all know that the underlying causes for these differences in status are relatively small.

Look even at how anxiety is perpetuated when a person tries to fight it and control it. This is another observation that the fear and denial of some weakness or defect will eventually actually create and also sustain it. But accepting it and not seeing it as defective or weak in and of it self means we make a weakness get smaller. We can do this when we realise that any weakness or negative trait doesn't exist as separate from an accompanying strength. -One way of being exists with the other and there exists two sides or opinions to anything.
And so even when we are face to face with our apparent weakness and lack, we can remember that always there exists with this an equally positive side.

And knowing how life is -that inward emotional differences become exagerated and magnified on the outside- makes it easier to not be deceived when it appears that we are outcasts and weired and abject.

This really is true. A bit of observation of life and people proves that all the above is real and is what really exists.

And I think that it is worth while to remind ourselves of this -because making our way towards believing in it can certainly be challenging at times; and so it is just good to be reminded of what the higher truth is and of what underlies everything in the world. -Like how spiritualists say- all of us are meant to be whole in this moment and seeing and believing how we already are whole (with good sides to our bad ...sides!) makes this bigger truth happen quicker. Because eventually it will happen sooner or later.

...ok, I've really gone off topic this time!!! ...excuse me: I get a bit excited sometimes!!!! :oops: :p


Well-known member
I can't believe I'm not the only one! I thought there was something wrong with my eyes. That's why I try and wear sun glasses in winter.

For me, the sun, or cold wind can really make it bad and it's especially terrible.


Well-known member
Man i feel good seeing this post, when eva im in a one on one conversation with people my eyes will start watering and i have like this mini panic attack trying to stop it happening, and then i will blush too 8O
Its terrible, happens alot in classrooms too.


Well-known member
Same here.. But it was long time ago, i don't know what reason it stopped.. Blushing, sweating, shitting on conversation raised every other year, crying reduced and disappeared


Thanks for the answers, it's pretty nice hearing other people also lacrimate when in stress situation, or at least it's connsoling... :lol: :wink:
Nice day!


It's curious thing that there are normally no adnotations about the socialphobic lacrimation in the medical net sources. It is but very important symptom, very terrible. :oops:


Well-known member
Wow what an unexpected tread cause I have had this happened to me my whole life but I think I know the cause or at least the cause of mine.

My eyes get dialalated. I mean they stay wide open and dont blink when I am uncomfortable. So the air starts to dry them out and it seems to me my body tries to moisten my eyeballs to keep them from drying out.


Well-known member
does anyone have it happen when they yawn? or is that just a normal thing? im to lazy to research it :).


Active member
It used to happen when I was little and pre-adolescent, but in situations in which there was stress, like an argument with my sister, friends, parents. I hated it! I would get teased: "oh, are you crying?" and stuff like that. I disliked it so much that it's stopped. I'm 20 yrs old now and it only happens when I get sentimental, something that has become rare. Oh yes, I seldom cry these days.


Me to! :D It happens sometimes when I walk quikly ( to get away from all the people around ) trough the mall or through the city to come back to my car.
I think people must believe I'm crying.. :lol:


Active member
I am shocked that I am not the only one who gets this. I never used to but it started just this last year. It is good to know that there are others out there who have this same problem. I wonder why it happens. My doctor hasn't been able to explain it to me yet. For me it doesn't just feel like eyes watering, it is a little bit like actual crying. It is humiliating.


New member
I have this problem as well and it's very encouraging to hear I'm not the only one. When I was younger it only happened once in a while, and for most of my twenties and thirties it was a very rare occurrence, but I'm 42 now and over the last couple of years it has gotten increasingly worse. It happens when I'm talking one-on-one with strangers, it happens on the elevator with my neighbours, it happens when I'm talking to clients on the telephone, and this week it happened in the dentist chair. The hygienist was leaning over me cleaning my teeth and I began to feel very anxious, almost claustrophobic, and my eyes began to tear up.

This has also happened in business meetings and I've had to make excuses and blame it on my allergies and hay fever. It's very embarrassing, and I know my career has suffered because of this. I got so frustrated last year that I went to see a psychologist, but he had never heard of this problem and seemed intent on blaming my mother for my apparent lack of self-esteem. I wasted over a thousand dollars on counseling, and my problem is worse than ever. I really don't know what to do now, but I have to find a way to deal with this.

Has anyone ever found any resources that have help them overcome this problem?
