Lack of motivation?

Do you guys feel that even though you're unhappy being socially phobic, you're just too comfortable with it to put in the effort to change? That's just one thing. How about other things, like practicing a hobby, exercising, eating healthily and having normal sleep patterns? There's nothing physically wrong with me, so I just slack off and let my good metabolism keep me thin, and let my natural musical ability make me feel like I shouldn't worry about practicing guitar scales and stuff.

What do you guys wish you have the motivation to do?

Related Article: No motivation to do anything, causes and solutions


Well-known member
Ya I dont have the motivation to do ANYTHING. I wish I was motivated to get a job. Cause right now I could possibly lose my house but even that doesnt motivate me!

Having good friends who understand and care and make you feel better might motivate me. Or who knows, maybe that wont even help.


Well-known member
I have good days and bad days. Mostly bad lately it seems. I have the will to improve myself for a better life but I find it hard to get motivated. With social anxiety it's too easy to fall in a rut. Makes it so much harder to get out of it. If you get too comfortable living with SA, it will be twice as hard to overcome it. If I sit around and think about it too much, I'll have no motivation to do anything. Teachers use to tell me to apply myself and get motivated about things all the time.


Well-known member
slimjim119 said:
I have good days and bad days. Mostly bad lately it seems. I have the will to improve myself for a better life but I find it hard to get motivated. With social anxiety it's too easy to fall in a rut. Makes it so much harder to get out of it. If you get too comfortable living with SA, it will be twice as hard to overcome it. If I sit around and think about it too much, I'll have no motivation to do anything. Teachers use to tell me to apply myself and get motivated about things all the time.

slimjim119 said exactly how I feel. There is nothing else to add.


It IS so easy to get into a rut. Winter is the hardest for me. I just am not motivated to go out or even to keep up on the (few) meaningful relationships I have. I think in my mind, "Tomorrow I am going to do this," but I can't get myself out of bed on the days I don't work. Then I feel horrible for being a bum. I am even exercising 2 hours a day and it doesn't help my moods. I wish I could help you out more...but for now, I can only relate. :(


Well-known member
It is extremely hard to motivate yourself to do something about social anxiety..just the fear factor is enough to set you back, and when it's much easier just to hide away all the time, it can be pretty hard to motivate yourself to get out matter how hard you want to change.


Well-known member
My lack of motivation to do anything worries me more than actually having social phobia.


Well-known member
I'm not motivated to do anything really. Especially my essays and stuff for class. I just finished one tonight and it's due tomorrow. Even though I had since January to do it I chose to wait until the very last minute. I have another essay due Thursday and It's going to be a pain in the ass to finish in one day too. I find if I have to learn something for school I become stressed and its hard, but if I want to learn about something on my own I can do it no problem and remember a lot about it.

Some days I feel like I can accomplish anything but then I get side tracked and end up not doing anything I wanted to do. I spend most time watching tv or on the computer, its pretty boring but I feel most comfortable doing it so I can't change it.