

New member
so the shyness label has stuck to me my whole life, although ive been trying soo hard to get rid of it. i changed schools where i didnt know anyone, and ended up getting a fresh start and having just as many friends as i made during my whole life in my old town. its just that every single one of my friends is super loud and outgoing, i get along with those people better. but it also makes me look even more quiet. i go to parties and i am definitly a social person so it really hurts when people ask me "why are you so quiet?". the weird thing though, is that i dont think i have low self esteem. im happy with what i look like, but i guess the problem is that im not bubbly and outgoing.
i really dont know how to get rid of this label that is being put on me everytime i am introduced to a new group of people. i guess advice in the past has never worked because everyone always says, just start a conversation! the thing is im very talkative, not afraid to talk to people.. i just dont know how to be outgoing


Super Moderator
I think people should mind their own business instead of asking you questions or labeling you. Most people can be really intrusive and annoying, especially when it comes to things that are not like them. You have a personality, you don't haver to change for them. If being shy doesn't keep you from doing things, if it doesn't cause you major issues, if you are ok being how you are, then why would you change? If others don't like it, screw them... they have no rights to tell you what to do and how to live.


Active member
I think people should mind their own business instead of asking you questions or labeling you. Most people can be really intrusive and annoying, especially when it comes to things that are not like them. You have a personality, you don't haver to change for them. If being shy doesn't keep you from doing things, if it doesn't cause you major issues, if you are ok being how you are, then why would you change? If others don't like it, screw them... they have no rights to tell you what to do and how to live.
Completely agree. Its down right rude when people narrow in on aspects of your personality that they dont agree with and if thats how they want to play it then does it not show that THEY HAVE A PROBLEM not you???


Well-known member
I really havent gotten over the type of situation you are in, about not being bubbly and what not. It seems my friends would be able to laugh at some pretty insignificant stuff that i didnt find really funny, so i would just burst out into a laughter that over rid all of theirs, and they would become quiet and look at me for a second. Then i would actually find it funny how they were looking and give out a real laugh, which in turn would make them laugh and see my point of view.....or the down side of this is they may think your
Also if they were telling me somthing that blew their mind or they think was incredible, and i dont find that great I would tell them "get the F*#! outa here! No way!....and either they keep going or see that I dont really care.......Kind of jerkish, but its easier to be left alone when you are one
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Well-known member
i've noticed that for me, the more i try to be outgoing, the more it becomes apparent how i'm not.