Keep Obsessing Over That I'll Forget Things or Get Confused


IDK if this is OCD or not, but whenever I think too much and find things on websites or something that will help me I always obsess on forgetting it for my whole life or when I have like too many favorites on my web browser and I fear that I will forget that they are there or that Ill forget any tips I find on the internet I obsess over forgetting that too or even getting so confused that I go crazy. Is this OCD? Y or N or is it something else and what?


I'm not sure if it's OCD or not because I don't know you but I have OCD and am always afraid or obsessed over forgetting certain things. It's anxiety and perfectionism. There are a million notes around my house and sometimes even on my arms with words or sentences because I'm so afraid that I'll forget...I never do. Well, I guess if I did forget, I wouldn't know:) It can be a bit stressful at times. Fear of forgetting things is part of OCD...but I'm not a doctor and like I said, don't know you. It probably depends on the severity too I guess. I think it's normal for people to worry about forgetting once in a while, but not constantly obsessing over it.