just woundering if if anyone at one time wasnt shy


Well-known member
Yes, I'm the total opposite right now. I used to be really outgoing, I loved being at the center of attention, and I would do almost anything to get attention. Now, I'm housebound, friendless, I rarely talk, always behind closed doors and I don't shower.

So, you're not the only one. :)


Well-known member
You didn't recieve my reply?

I said I wasn't sure. It's probably because of many reasons, but the main one would be a low self esteem. What do you think caused yours?


Well-known member
Are you certain that's the only thing that caused it? Because I don't think you can become 'shy' just like that. If that's what you think really caused you to become like this, then I wouldn't say that you're shy. But instead, you could possibly be afraid of something? Like you said you weren't able to make new friends, did you try? Maybe you're afraid of rejection. It could be alot of other factors. This is my point of view, it's up to you to figure out the real cause yourself.

I'm not sure if you received my reply to your PM, but I said I do have AIM. It's Hellraising88. I'm online right now.


Well-known member
i've always been shy, there have been times when i had too much to drink and really lost control. but i dont remember what i did cause i was too drunk.


i have my ups and downs. some days are horrible. some are good. i need to start taking notes on the little things that probably matter. tone of voice. body language. compusure. speech speed etc.


Shy is something i've been all my life. i have one brother though who is the total opposite he is outgoing, funny and i'm the opposite. i think i was like this since 4ever. when i was born my mom told me that when i came out i didn't cry. They had to hit me to cry a little and even then it wasn't much. Now with my brother i was just down the hall a little bit and could hear his screams he cried all night and had to be separated from the other babies so they could sleep!!!! :D now that right there was like telling the future!


i always always have been shy.

tho when around certain people or in rare occasions
with some strangers, where i surprised myself and wasnt.

maybe flashbacks from another life.


Well-known member
i used to be a loud mouth, it's crazy! But i moved to a new college, and i haven't made any friends because they didn't like me, i found it really difficult to talk to people, and found myself boring, i'm too shy. :cry:


This is an interesting topic. I was always extremely outgoing before high school, I grew up in a very social environment was always playing outside with friends getting into trouble. I was even voted class clown in middle school!
Sometime in high school is when anxiety/depression kicked in. I failed a whole semester because I didnt want to go to school, I almost dropped out.
I am 22 now and I have battled my way back to semi-normalcy. I am at a large university, getting good grades, and holding down a job. But I still crave my old outgoing self. I could talk to anyone, anytime no excuses. I have thus far gone through this struggle on my own, my friends and family dont have a clue.


Well-known member
Statie i know how you feel. My parents, etc don't even notice too. i too was voted class clown 2 years ago, but after that i moved school, and things just went downhill :(
I'm kinda dreading university, i really worry that i won't make friends there, you know? :?


Well-known member
yah i was the same way. im in 10th grade now but my SA didnt start fully till 9th grade. i think it was from moving soooooo much but yah in like 8th grade n below i had friends n went places and talked i miss those days :( neverworrying bout stupid stuff or being miserable